
Lights, Lights, Lights!

Last night Jordon and I got to take a fabulous ride around the Huntington Beach Harbor in a duffey to watch the Christmas lights boat parade and Christmas light house competition and it was amazing! The houses and boats were incredible and it really put us in the holiday spirit! SO fun!


Good morning bloghearts!! So, I have been MIA lately, partly in part because I was in Vegas!! woohooo! I had so much that I forgot to take pictures for you to see! sorry....I went to visit my dad and family because they are in town for the NFR...which for some of you who may not know is the National Finals Rodeo! And, let me tell you it is a blast!  It brings me back to the days I used to spend on the road travelling from rodeo to rodeo with my dad and shiner(horse) and having fun each time watching him rope and take care of the horses.  This time, I got to share it with Jordon as well, and he is already hooked!..I wouldn't be surprised if after he is done playing football we get horses and he starts bull dogging(which is what he wants to try)! It was also fun to see my family and and hangout on the strip with my main squeeze!

What's with that!

So, I have realized a big problem I have. It's a problem that I think a lot of us on the "Haverty" side have(if I am not mistaken)...the problem is that I expect too much.  I expect too much from myself, I expect too much from others, and I expect too much from life.  I have always believed that it was good to dream high, reach for the stars, and not let anything get in the way of what you want.  Which, I believe that is what has made me successful.  Expectations are different from dreams and ambitions though.  You can only take them so far.  You should expect to do great things and for others to do their best as well.  However, I have realized that when you start expecting the moon out of life and others, you won't make it past the clouds. Then you feel let down...instead of celebrating the clouds...which are highly magnificent themselves.  This cycle them leads to feelings of failure and resentment.  It also leads you to not believe as much in others.  I began reading (for the second time) a really good book that my mother-in-law gave me about living a balanced life.  "No Matter What", is written by a woman from Kauai' and is about the art of having the life you want and living simply, as intended.This book related to what I was thinking about in my difficulties with expectations.  She talks about the art of knowing yourself and strengthening your character above all else.  This is because character is what we have left when we strip everything else away.  Therefore, whats with me expecting too much! I need to stop. I need to dream for myself, hope for others to be fulfilled and leave the rest to God.  Expecting great things everyday can wear on your character and make you feel let down by others, instead of inspired.  I have learned that hope is far better than expecting, it will never lead you astray...

So long, fare well...

Welp, I have officially done it..I have said farewell to facebook...for now...I just have been wanting to try a life without it, to see what that is like! One bad thing...however, is that now my blog is going to suffer...only you die hards will see what I write. But, I decided that is okay...I only blog because I enjoy it, so please keep reading!! The reason I left facebook is that I feel that 1) I spend too much free time on it, when I could be getting something done, and 2) I need a break from seeing what everybody else is doing for awhile...I need a break from seeing what people I don't even know are doing! I'm sure I'll be back in a few months, and you won't even miss me :)


So now that the turkey high has ended...I am left to sit around and reflect on a great holiday...and then cleanup the house for the next...
This means that once again it is me and the Champer-do in the ole' casa...once again I am back to blockading my door at night, and leaving on almost every light in the house...I am back to having actual conversations to Champ while he pretends to listen to me...and I am trying to find a job! I am applying to every school district in the county! please send good wishes my way!... 
Oh and another thing, last night was a truly spectacular night on television....the Vikki S fashion fav program of the year...while that might sound very strange because it is women walking around in angel wings and lingerie...I am truly obsessed with all things Victoria's secret...and the costumes are so  amazing..I also used to dream about being in the show when I was for one night I get to pretend its me :) hehe...and Katy Perry performed and she was great! welp, now that I've bored you completely...I'm left to sit here and soak up my own awesomeness...
Oh ya, I am going to Vegas this weekend and early next week to see my should come!

Okay...who wouldn't want to wear this outfit?
 And this is definitely how I dress to go to Jordon's football games....
 And this one was super cute :)


Ahhh...we had the best Thanksgiving ever!! On Wednesday, the whole family arrived at the house and we let the festivities begin!...the first night we did Mexican food and it was sooo yummy...but not as yummy our Thanksgiving dinner...

The cooks...

I thought I would share some things that I was thankful for this holiday season...
1. Thankful that my family made it safely down to come see me...
2.  Thankful for my beautiful house that could house my beautiful family...
3.  Thankful that my husband came early so I could spend sooo much time with him...
4.  Thankful that I could bother my brother and little cousins...
5.  Thankful for my puppy who sulked most of the holiday from his lack of attention...
6. Thankful for the game loaded questions and all of the answers my partner thought up ;)...and the fact that I was the butt of every joke someone made during the game...okay, not thankful for that..especially since I was the one cooking dessert...oh the nerve!
7. Thankful for the beautiful weather that we had...
8. And, thankful that Christmas is coming soon!!

Monday Night Football! you can see we had an amazing evening at the Broncos v. Chargers game last night!  It took us 2 1/2 hours to get there even though it was only 30 miles.... and we were all hungry and cranky...but after a few beers and realizing that we had the best seats in the house, we couldn't complain!....Brittany's fiance' Dan, had a great game, even though the Broncos lost :(...but it was still fun! be with the ones you love....

Have I told you how much I love the holidays!!!! My whole family came in last night!....And my husband surprised me and came in yesterday morning!! now that I have actual human contact I will have much more to blog about, because actual things will be happening.  I no longer have to have full blown conversations with Champ... I no longer have to dance to Cupid Shuffle by myself repetitively for many many minutes... I no longer have to yell at Champ saying, "nobody puts baby in the corner"....I don't have to feel guilty about having a beer at dinner by myself(I did this for the first time ever this week)... I don't have to create a blockade by my door at night anymore...and I no longer have to sit around by myself soaking up my own awesomeness....I can soak up my family's awesomeness....and bug my bro :)
...Oh and did I mention, one of my best friends are in town, Brittany!!! Yayay...and her fiance' plays for the Broncos...and we are going to the game tomorrow!!(against Chargers) is good!

christmas music

okay so I went houseware shopping yesturday...trying to find some things for thanksgiving for the house...and everything is I guess I missed the boat.  I say, to heck with it, lets start decorating for Christmas...jingle bell rock anyone?

In Case You Missed...

So in case you missed the last week's episode of Chelsea and Jordon...
Chelsea and Jordon travel across Michigan to be greeted by their two friends, Joel and Stacy...they celebrate Halloween in style, dressing in great costumes... and checking out the coolest bars...but had a short trip as Jordon gets dumped off at the airport Monday morning to fly back to California...

Chelsea and Champ show signs of depression driving back to Detroit because they had to go back to their apartment alone...murder there, still no suspect...Chelsea said goodbye to work and the kids, feeling bad about leaving, but really jumping for joy at the thought of getting out of d-town...

Chelsea woke up at 330am to take her and Champ to the airport to fly out..get Champ in his cage on a cart...he rolls off... finally get him back in and makes sure he is okay...the two then arrive in HB at 930am only for Chelsea to strip off all of her clothes outside the airport...after the indecent exposure, and people silently talking about the fact that they have just seen a ghost (mistaking her for the subject)...and realizing that her skin was already burning, she put back on the clothes...

The trio jumps in the car and heads to the dog beach... watch Champ be attacked by a Chihuahua ...Roxy style...head to in n out...they get seconds because it is so good...Champ gets his own....they won't share...head back to see the fam...out for WT wins an incredible purse (yesss)...and then they crash... now home in the hills of San Diego...they are ready to settle in...

Stay tuned for next episode: Chelsea and Jordon unload the Pod...

PS. Sorry I haven't been blogging..I had a long week packing up and moving! I'mmmmmm back!


Borrreeeed! So, I just quit my job, poopy :(.  And we leave next week.  In the meantime, we are bored.  I am going to need some exciting topics to blog about. If I do not start blogging.  I am going to make more baked goods. me, I cannot have any more!! (already made more peanut butter cups today)...So suggestions? I say I could clean my house, but we are in a tiny studio...not much to clean, took about 10 minutes this morning. I could go workout...but since my husband and I are on this wake up really early kick,  I already went to the gym before work this morning...I could take the dog for a walk...but it's stormy Halloween marathon last night...over it : ) hehehe, so..I must write, I just need some help. Oh here's some news. Me and Jordon are going to Chicago this weekend for Halloween.  We are going to be Little Red Riding Hood (me),  Big Bad Wolf (Jordo), and the Wolf as Granny (Champ)...we are going to be so super cute, I cannot wait!


Okay, so me and the hubs went to watch a movie last night.  We had actually planned to see Red with Bruce Willis and Morgan Freeman.  However, after going in and realizing that we would have to watch from the first row, we decided to go to something different.  The only thing left open within the next hour was Secretariat.  I was hesitant to watch because I have this incredible soft spot for animals. All movies, even Disney movies, have some tragedy involving the main animal that breaks my heart and then I cry.  After looking up on the internet and realizing that this horse lived a fantastic life, I decide that it will be an okay choice.  And boy did I cry.... tears of Joy!! This movie was by far one of the best movies I have ever seen.  It was so inspirational.  This movie shows what happens when you have passion about what you do and never give up.  Every person, and especially every child should go see this movie, it was incredible.

Going along with this theme of having passion and the attitude to succeed I want to talk about a few things that have been bothering me.  Today at church we learned about having a good attitude about life and being passionate about Christ and being a Christian.  This attitude will help you to see each day with wonder and excitement.  Also, when you have an attitude like this you begin to rub off on others, affecting everyone around.  You inspire them to be better and more positive. If everyone in the world were to change their attitude, even minutely, something amazing would begin to occur.  I can see this point so easily reflected in our lives.  This morning, the news reported on a story about referees in a pop warner league in Washington.  These referees were using pink whistles in support of breast cancer awareness.  This was a huge problem for the league and owners because they were not allowed to.  Okay, they were tiny whistles.  Who in this league is so miserable with their own life that they cannot just let it go and see this as great that our whole nation has come together to support this effort. This could have been an incredibly positive thing.  Instead it has turned into a problem and made a lot of people mad, some may even lose their jobs, and now this will then affect their attitude. 

The next story bothers me even further.  A women in Michigan, who belonged to a church, posted, on the church's bulletin board an ad for a roommate.  On the ad she wrote that she wanted a Christian roommate. Well this also did not go over well.  It is against the fair housing...blah blah blah ...act. The woman had to remove the ad, and is now being fined, and ordered to go to classes on this particular act. What person, within her church, was so badly offended by this woman asking for christian roommate that they made this such a problem. Okay, I'll tell you, no one was offended.  This person has such a bad attitude toward life and their own problems that they want to bring down everyone in their path.  Don't be that person.  Look at the good. Let the small things go.  If it doesn't affect you, don't make it.  Be inspiring!

Old movies...

So, if you know me, you know I have this great obsession with old movies.  My all-time favorite being Bye-Bye Birdie (thanks to mom) & Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (painful for you~ I know).  These movies amaze me.  I used to dream about being in the movie Seven Brides, I wanted to be one of those girls (preferably Milly or Dorcus) helping out on the farm...up in the mountains...and say something like "Nice day for marryin'"  or "you look like a bunch of love sick bull-calves" (7brides)...or "Oh Hugo, be more matuer"..."Se Le Vee for now", or "did you hear they got pinned?"...(Birdie).

Well with that being said, I am often trying to get Jordon to watch these movies with me.  And, to say the least, he has not made it through one...he even hated The Birds, can you believe that.  So, I thought I would find a Disney classic.  I found Swiss Family Robinson (not too old, but from the 60s).  Now I grew up on this movie, I love it.  I finally talk him into it and he is sound asleep by the time they reach the shore!!! I do not know if it was the calling of the mom "mother" or the extremely bad New Ginuey accents, or "can I keep the baby elephant, anyhow" talk that did it.  But I had no luck! I need suggestions :)

Dear Detroit...

Dear Detroit,

I am sad to be leaving you soon, but I know I will be back one day. You have served me well during the last few months, but I am afraid I must go. While California will be sunny and warm, I know you will be happy under the fresh white snow. Thank you for keeping the skies sunny and showing me the many colors of fall. Thank you for having chilly evenings so I could cuddle up to my honey. Thank you for allowing me to see the world from a different view. Thank you for allowing me to see many football games in a beautiful stadium. Thank you for letting us be close to friends and family like Joel & Stacy and Jamie & Cory.
 Thank you for changing my skin from golden tan to snowy white. I will miss your dangerous downtown and scary streets. I will miss your crumbling buildings and cloudy skies. Thank you for keeping us terrified for the downtown raids on Devil lane. Thank you for allowing us to be introduced to one of the most intersting mayors in state history, Kwame Kilpatrick (just look it up :)).
 I will miss our friends here and Jordon's teammates. But most of all, I will miss your beautiful fall!
Love, your friend, Chelsea
California Dreamin'.....

(This video is from Scary Movie 4, and it is hilarious!)


I am totally getting Holiday Fever!! Ahh I cannot wait...Christmas trees, Christmas Vacation!, smell of Cinnamon, pies, apple cider, hot chocolate, presents, cards, family! I seriously want to start Christmas music like now :) is a picture of my goal for my tree this year...
"She'll see it later honey, her eyes are frozen"

Where in the world are Jordon and Chelsea?

Everyone is always asking about what we are up to now and when we are doing this or here is our plans for the next few months (until the end of the year)....1. Jordon leaves on Nov. 1 to go to CA for a 2 week firefighting class (pre-req)...2. I will follow a week later, Nov. 6, with our little buddy (this means I have to quit my job in Detroit, terrifying)..3. I will hopefully be getting a job in the Carlsbad or Vista SD (prayers)... 4. Jordon comes back to the D for rehab until thanksgiving..5. Huge Thanksgiving at our place, you are all invited :)...6. I decorate the H$*% out of our house for the holidays (literally so excited that I might pee a little)...7.Come back to the D for one last game....then home for Christmas!! Everyone come for that too...8. Steamboat for New Years, even more exciting!....
1. To get my amazingly awesome car out to California that my baby surprised me with this fall...
2.  To say goodbye to Detroit...
3.  To finally get a good paying job in Cali...
4. To make it out there safe find something to occupy my mind and body for the spring, or a competition
race, triathlon, hurdles? help!
5. To get going on my book(or books), I need to stop thinking & write
6.  To create an amazing Holiday experience
7. For Jordon to absolutely love Fireman school
8. To spend as much time with my family this holiday season as humanly possible
9. To plan out trip to Hawaii for many many weeks :)
10. To plan our trip to Barbados
11. To bake as much bad carbs as I can because they are incredibly yummy, preferably pumpkin bread...
12.  To get my tan on....Dear Detroit, you have made me pale as a ghost...
That's enough for now :)

Chhhhh-iiii-ccc-aaaa-gooo!!! "Gotcha"

We had a fantastic trip this last weekend to visit our friends, Joel & Stacie.  I got to finally see what everyone has been talking about in regards to Chicago. It is truly a beautiful city! However...all beauty aside...we had quite the eventful weekend. 
Let me paint the picture for you.  1.  We get up early Friday morning, the boys leave, me and Stacie get ready to do some damage on Michigan Ave...when...the dishwasher begins to overflow with dish washing soap...we race to stop the disaster...but its too late and we have a knock on the door. Juan, from Tijuana, comes in..assesses the damage..."where are you two from" "California" "hahahahhaa".  Thanks. Juan. anyways finally get that taken care of which leads to 2. I find the most adorable clothes while shopping, I get all ready and we are just about to leave when I put on my new coat...only to pop off a button..I say whatever, I am still going to wear it...however, then I look down and see that I have a hole in my new leggings...dang it..this only begins the night because next... 3.  We are out enjoying a nice dinner and some drinks when I get to a bar...I look in my purse to pull out my wallet...nowhere to be found...we searched the whole city, dang theifs!...however, we did go back and have some amazing grilled cheese sandwiches(thanks Stacie :))...this then leads to 4.  Our afternoon at the Vet...where we learn that Charlie(their adorable little dog) has to get surgery...poopers! We finally arrive home from the vet after about 3 hours which leads to 5. finding out that we locked the keys in the room...after finally convincing the hot head at the counter to let us in...we finally arrive home...which leads to 6. waking up to do fun things Sunday morning...only to come back to the apartment to find out that once keys :)

All joking aside...we still had an amazing trip. We got to go to the Sears tower.  Hang out with great friends. Check out the city.  Have fun. I came back with much more than I went with.  Stacy made amazing breakfasts, and we had great food each night!! Thanks!
( Blog title is from Ace Ventura...all I think about when I hear the name "Chicago")

Insight into the life of Chelsea...

So I have this habit of having the best intentions for the day...everyday.  I always wake up excited and which after a short while it dies off.  However, I am always looking for opportunities to work on my goals...with that in mind, I carry around these four books with me everywhere.  It is almost scary.  But, when I do have free time, or a break they are good to have :). They come with me to bed at night, then I move them to the desk in the morning, to my purse for work or bible study, to the car when I leave...etc.  Everywhere.
Here they are...
1. Writing journal.  I am working on a book so I constantly keep this with me to write ideas and to write, well, just about anything I think of, maybe even about you...
2. Jesus Calling. This is a book of daily devotionals.  I have a hard time staying on the day that I am supposed and skip all around. Often I say, Lord turn me to the page that I need to hear about, and then I'll open it up.  Doesn't always work but usually I can apply it to something! It is especially good to have for when life gets hard :)
3.  The Bible. This is something new. One of my goals is to read everyday so I can learn more (remember my self-help post).  As long as it is near me it makes it more accessible for when I have time to read!
4.  My planner. I do not use standard day planners, they bug me.  I prefer to write down my day and to-do list in a journal and then cross everything off.  Old fashioned but it works...maybe one day I'll let you see my lists..haha

A few of my favorite things...

I am a bit of  a product hoarder...and I thought I would share some of my favorite products...these are my top three!
1 & 2. Seaweed Ionic Clay Mask & Vitamin E Nourishing Cream, both can be found at The Body Shop.  I have been using the Vitamin E line for awhile now, and it is the best.  Only good for night :) It is very moisturizing and feels so cool and smooth on the skin! I use the mask once or twice a week.  At first I thought it was not working, but after a few weeks with it~ I adore it! It had made a huge difference in the brightness of my skin and leaves that bright, smooth, glow after! I have also been experiencing less breakouts.
2. Victoria's Secret Dry Shampoo.  This stuff is incredible and worth every penny! I use it at the end of the day when I do not have time to re-shower, or in the morning, if I want to stick with my blowout from the day before.  It makes my hair look fresh, clean, and oil-free.  And...bonus, it smells great too!

The best dessert of my life! that I am done with school, I thought, how nice it is going to be to have so much free time on my hands.  Ya, well for some reason I am obsessed with starting new ventures. I have started two writing projects to which I will elaborate on in the future.  And...I have found another time consuming activity, baking! Besides the fact that me and Jordon are gaining weight at rapid speed, it has been quite an experience! I have gone through batches and batches of everything trying to get recipes right.  And I have found the best dessert that I have ever made, and it is so stinking easy! I took the base of the recipe from a book I have by Alicia Silverstone and then tweaked it a bit... It took three times to perfect it...but I think I got it: here goes!
Homemade PB cups...
*3 TBSP of Butter (Earth Balance works best and is a lot healthier, do not use "I can't believe its not butter" or anything with a strong taste).
*1 Cup Peanut Butter, I use half creamy, half chunky...whatever your preference, or whatever you have around.
*1 Cup Crushed Gramcrackers...plain ones
*1/3 cup Sugar..use pure cane sugar or anything thats gritty, works the best :)
*Half a bag of Chocolate chips...dark or milk (Dark is really rich/ Milk is light)
* Splash of Milk
Add butter to a small pot and melt.  Add in peanut butter, sugar and gramcrackers. Here is where you have to do the magic.  The mixture should be gritty and chunky and brown like PB...add more of whatever you want. I love PB, so I always end up putting in more and more in. Taste it and if it tastes like butter (not good), then add a lot of the other stuff... Spoon out into lined muffin tin. (Makes about 12, at about two spoonfuls of the mixture in each.  However, if you want huge ones, make 8 and put in more!)  Place in the freezer for about an 30 minutes, or until somewhat hardened.
Next melt chocolate chips in a small pot and add a few splashes of milk to make it creamy.  Drizzle on the top of the PB cups...freeze for about an hour and then viola! yummy! (It may take a couple times to find your perfect combo!


We have been with the Lions for the last two and a half years.  Before yesturday, we had won a total of THREE games...out of 29 games we have been through! And now we are at four, and they looked great!! Goooooo Lioooons!! I think we might have broken the spell :).  It was so nice seeing the guys so happy and the fans so proud! Great day to live in 8 mile!

Column of the week: Self Help

I recently made a trip to the Border's Bookstore. I was looking for a book that I had heard about on the today show.  It sounded interesting.  It was about being confident and having good self-image as a woman.  I finally I found myself back in the back of the book store.  The book was under self-help.  I imagine this section is hidden in the back because no one wants to admit it when they need help, nor do they want people seeing them grab "Idiots Guide to a Good Relationship"...or "Idiots Guide" to anything... However, when I did finally reach the self-help section, I stood there in amazement.  There were so many books.  There were so many self-help books it was unbelievable.  There was a self-help book on just about everything.  I've looked at a lot of books like this, however, I did not know the extent to which the American population shovelled out money to get self-help.  From a book.  As I sit there in awe, scanning the books over looking for my book, I thought about the different topics of all the books and was hit with a deafening sadness.  There were books about how to live like a skinny b****.  Who really wants to be a b****?  Or how to loose weight by eating junk food.  Okay, if you pick that book up you may really need an idiots guide-to life.  I was standing there taking it all in.  When something that my mom had once said to me suddenly appeared in my mind, "When I need help with something, I find it in the Bible; That's my self-book".  And how right!  If only all of these people who were about to spend hours reading these books just put their faith in the Bible and sought it out for "self-help" the world might be a better place.  I know one thing, we may not have as many Skinny B*****es!  Anyways, the ending to this story is that I opened the book I finally found, and I think God answered my questions about the book.  After only about three pages they said that you should pick and choose the rules you live by when looking for inner strength. Then they went on to say something like "this is like religion, Christians believe in God, but pick and choose the rules that work for their lives"....While this tends to happen, it is a struggle, definitely not a choice, and not what its about :).  I ended up finding the best self-help book~thanks mom!

Day in the life...

Okay, so our dog lives the lavish life... Let me take you through the day in the life of CHAMP:
Here...he is clearly not wanting to get up...quite yet...

Although, at about 10:30 am he finds his strength and finally greets us with his presence...and we finally get him out to the car...he enjoys himself a nice ride in the convertible to the park...

He gets to take a swim, run the trails, and sun bath with his mommy...

He is so tired he cannot even make it to dinner...
or through the movie... what a pooper...

My new life :)

Yay!! I am a Pre-Kindergarten Teacher!! Finally, I am done with school and have joined the real world! I love the students, they are so full of life and joy! They are 4 & 5 years old....and HILARIOUS to be around!  Life is starting to fall into place~ for those of you still in school/internships, I know it can be hard, but stick with it!

Fall in love with this Season!

For those of you who haven't experienced the fall in Michigan, it is an amazing experience.  This is one of the reasons me and the J don't mind sticking it out all football season. Where we live is a sea of trees and the leaves are finally changing colors and everywhere you look is a picture of browns, yellows, reds, and oranges. Fall screams pumpkin muffins and street fairs.  It tastes like a warm cup of coffee cuddled on the couch like your right hand man.  I absolutely love baking when the air is crisp outside, and you can smell Cinnamon and Spice :).  Enjoy it, every season can be beautiful.  God created each one unique~ !


Good morning bloggpoos...just wanted to update everyone on the J man...He is scheduled for sugery Tuesday, September 7th.  We will be going to California tomorrow until the 13th.  I will keep you all updated as we go :) ...Please send your prayers his way!

New Year~!

So, since I have never not been a student, surprise, I have always been on the September as the beginning of my year train... So, I like to make my "new year's resolutions" around this time....However, instead of boring you with a list about myself...ewe...I decided I will take it one at a time....Today's more ;~)

For my facebook family...I have decided to give facebook a rest for the next month to finish up school. I often find myself wasting time when I do not want to do schoolwork ;).  So if you want to catch up with me, either email ( or call.... and follow my blog which I will have more time for now :)  ...either click "main home" to see the entire blog...or type in   ..clicking on this link will only take you to this post...later gator...

So...funny story about one of my goals to be shared yesterday in church we had a great message.  It was about how when you are on top of the mountain, or have a moment of great success, that we become very vulnerable.  We are an easy target for the prey, or satin.  He likes to hit us when we are up because we have the greatest distance to fall.  With that being said, me and Jordon have been eating very healthy lately.  Last night I decided to make spaghetti. I looked in my "Deceptively Delicious" cookbook to see what veggies I could add to the sauce without affecting the flavor.  I saw squash and carrots.  So I steamed both and blended them up.  Then I began to make dinner. Seeing as Jordon is home a lot now, our dinners are often a team effort, or okay, lets face it, I make the salad if I am lucky...But pasta is my thing, I, usually, make it much better than he can (right here you know where I am going with this). So he says, here let me help you...I give him a totally hard time (after a glass of wine on my part) about how I am so good at pasta, so confident, so MUCH better than him...he says okay I am sitting right here and watching you make the whole dinner...I say GOOD.   Well here I am on top of my mountain....just waiting to fall... I put all the ingredients together, feeling great that I added so many healthy things to my sauce...then I go in for the taste test.  Now, let me remind you that I grew up eating nothing of flavor because I was sooo picky, therefore, I can eat bland things.  This sauce was beyond tasted as I think cauliflower baby food would taste...not that great.  So I swallow my pride...look at Jordon with my sad eyes and say, come taste test and see what you would add...oh did he give me a hard time...blah...I finally convince him to come over...he worked his magic.  After about adding everything in our spice cupboard and about a half a bottle of economy size wine...we did a second taste test..much better...and the dinner worked out okay...but next time he wants to help, I guess I'll let him.  And maybe I shouldn't add a whole entire summer squash and a whole bag of carrots and a whole can of tomatoes to a sauce...I'm just not that good

Can't Sleep!

Thought this was a cute pic :) I love my cuddler!

video bloggin'

okay, so I decided to start doing a few video is my first one... just a tester ;0


Sorry bloggypoos I have been MIA...I have had a lot going on...I am back in the D town, hanin with the home boy. Unfortunately, he was badly injured in the game against the Stealers and is now resting for the fall...but to look on the positive side, I get to spend more time with him! And...we have been having fun! We went to the drive in movies, on a lot of dates, and taken Champ on a million walks!  I love having my baby with me :)...Also, I have been finishing up two classes this week the last few weeks, I have one more in Sept. and then..dun dun dun...I will be a real teacher :)...kindergarten here I come!...well not for awhile, but someday! 


Champ blogged! click on his picture to the right side....or here


So...I'm wondering where the recession is because we went to Disney land recently and it was crazy!!! So much fun, but a lot of people spending a lot of money!!! A great day though~!


Okay, so the sun has been non existent the last few weeks! I see it peeking today, maybe I'll go burn~! The topic of sun burns(or nice tans ;) ) is one of particular interest to me... I mean I look at pictures of my family and friends from when they were young in their twenties during the 70s & 80s and they look hot!...& tan!...but now, they tell us "ahhhhh don't burn, don't go in the sun, I used to and now I have wrinkles!" I listen and then I look at my photos and unless I dragged myself into the airbrush booth and dished out about 35 bucks I look like a pale ghost! If you can even see me, definitely not pictures I want to keep around! I think it's a conspiracy against the younger generation... (I do know that burning is not good...;) )

NewS of ThE daY..How not to be boring...

Thanks to Kathie Lee & Hoda...we can learn how not to be boring...
How not to be boring: this is for people who think they are fascinating but they're not
*Listen more than you talk
*Stop talking if you are boring yourself
*Know historical anecdotes (?what, those people are boring)
*We don't like the person who knows everything
*Drawn out pauses are the best time to talk about yourself (pause..."so, I am like really smart")
*If someone interrupts your story.. give it up(then I guess listen to them?)
*Limit story to five minutes....please!
*Weird people with weird pets...okay so all of them I like but this one...I think these people might be interesting..but decide for yourself


Me and Champ are all alone now! Everyone is gone....however, we do have another little furry friend staying with us~ we have calle for the week, Champ's girlfriend!  So, today my run consisted of dragging around two golden retreivers, blah!  Not to mention I am already bored...I layed out for awhile, boring, watched tv, pretty little liars(which I adore)... then got answer~ Shopping! retail therapy~ always a winner! no longer bored ;)

shoots bra...where you going?

So my flyin' hawaiian leaves me tomorrow to go back to 8 mile... :(... Wish him good luck in training camp! Go Lions!'s going to be a great season! (say hi to rabbit for me ;) )

I wanna be a Billionaire...

So, I'm having a hard time figuring out how Travie & Bruno (rappers/singers of "Billionaire") are going to end the recession with their billion...they say that they can buy all the things they never rich like Oprah, adopt babies who never had s***...give away mercedes' more than fema did in katrina...but then they say "we are in recession" and we will "take a crack at it" ..."probably take whats left [of my money] and just split it up, so everyone that I love can have a couple bucks"...while they did mention that they were in a whole new tax bracket...I think they forgot that they are already down to 1/2 billion...seems like they have a lot to do before they split it up...Can't wait to get my check ;) (I do~however~like this song haha)


Ok totally sick of driving!! And if you know us it won't be a surprise to know that of course we didn't reserve a hotel room in San Fran in advance~nope we waited...until this drive... So now I'm cranky because I have no patience for technology and have to book a room when the service is going in and out and I keep losing everything... Mood~ impatient :/! Can't wait to show uke the city though!!

Going up North!

So, finally my husband decided to buckle down and visit my roots...we leave tomorrow morning! Ok babe, I know that one round table and twenty acres that someone else owns now does not sound that appealing, but you will love it...maybe..., I mean you have to, we've been together long enough to visit my think now there's a quiznos ;). We leave tomorrow morning! Peace out B******S!


Okay, so me and jordon are getting old! We thought we were so cool by planning not one, but two trips to Vegas this July~ wrong! after three nights of partying in Vegas we came home did no nothing for about 5 days~ we canned the second trip, canned going out in San Diego with friends...just about everything...we are finally feeling better...lets see where we went wrong?

First of many...Hopefully

OK! I suck at this keeping up with the Kardashians...I mean blogging! will be happy to know that I am done student teaching, and now have a considerable amount of time on my hands...what do I do with know the! so....I have been working on some posts for the last few weeks so the should now be flowing like the salmon of capistrano....

In case you didn't know who the tooth fairy was....

Leave it to "A"in our classroom to tell it like it is. Here we are with a group of 24 innocent 2nd graders...oh wait no's early in the morning we are just coming in and preparing for our day and "A" decides she needed to make an announcement. We have our desks arranged in a big "U" shape and she goes into the middle and says in a loud raspy voice "Hey guys-did you know that the toothfairy is just your mom!"... Some "no's" and "ya's" silently make their way from the rest of the group, when one of our little innocent friends replies, "Umm, I lost a tooth two nights ago, and the tooth fairy brought me money" which our little A responds, "Umm, that was probably the 'mom' fairy or the 'dad' fairy"(as she roles her eyes and flips her long brown hair)....
okay so seriously, women, the "your looking tired" comment has got you escape our very impulsive this morning, I wake up a little late, and say screw the heavy face makeup...put on some cover up and mascara and called it a day...hey I'm still young... so new age. SO anyways, I sprint to school all disheveled and get into the teachers lounge... where the other student teacher so bravely takes one look at me..."long night?" she stares, "poor thing you look tired"... awe sorry E, I forgot to rest up for you last night! whats up with that? I thought it was funny, however, come on women, nonments(non compliments) are not okay, I've heard this one thrown around a time or one wants to here that they look like shit...esp. when they do ;)

learning my own lesson...

So, this week I was super busy and stressed because I had to be observed by my head supervisor in my classroom. I had to do my own 40 minute lesson with the class. I did a lesson about Olympic nutrition. Everything went well. After the supervisor left we let the class kind of wind down and they were just asking funny questions that they could not when she was in class. One kid, Joey, gave us his own Joey is the cutest kid, he is a little chubby, has bright blond super curly hair, and has a speech impediment that makes him sound like he is about 3...But Joey is the smartest kid in the class, he is about 2 years above grade level...a little too smart himself there we are answering some questions and he raises his hand..yes Joey...he stands up by his desk, "sometimes you have to be very careful and read the small writing ...companies will trick you, they say healthy, natural, sometimes organic and then there will be like hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, or that stuff that makes your tummy hurt (rubs his belly), aspartame, like that peanut butter says natural, but it might have bad stuff in it, or a lot of salt" there you have it....if a 9 year can spout this off, why can't the rest of us? hahha...

Monday Column of the week.... Gyms and Pervs what is the deal with the showers in gyms? It's like "hit the showers" meets Fast Times at Ridgemont High. To put this into perspective, I frequent two gyms that I would say are pretty well known and pretty popular...both of them with the same unusual shower problem. Let me paint a picture for you...You decide to take a swim at your local gym, or you decide to be the one third of gym members to actually break a sweat during your workout: great. So- now you smell, even better; lets make use of the gym showers. So you try to get naked behind the shower curtain to prepare to wash...your scrubbing along, and wooooo, breast.....ooooh, titty, ahhhh! Nipple!....lets be honest here, having a shower curtain that is tan with a strip through the middle of clear, does not leave much to the imagination...I mean unless your under 5'2", you either gotta hold 'em or let 'em fly, because they are showing. It is my opinion that this is no accident, I mean, we all know who created these showers...guys...really? ...if the curtain is closed, chances are someone is in there...So my question is, why the clear strip? and since I will never know, my advice-- cover up the nips....who knows who could lurking in the locker room....

Haiti Helpers...

So I'm one week down with my student teaching and it is going great!!!! There are the cutest little girls in my class, about four of them, who were so sad about the earthquake in Haiti that they decided they wanted to help....They began making little bracelets and selling them at recess. I told them that I would like to buy one and asked how much they sell them for. They said fifty cents!!! Then I found out that they have made over $110!!! That's hundreds of little bracelets! They sell everyday at both recesses and after school!! They are adorable :) (I think I will tip them!)...

My Little Clay ;) finally started my student teaching!!! yay!!! and I love the class and the teacher...they are there's this one little cute, kyle, reminds me of Clay...for those of you who knew him as a little tyke....he never can actually sit down, he is always stading right by his seat jumping, or up on his knees or bouncing much energy, and today the teacher explained that we will be starting a unit on the olympics starting friday, and this excited him...when the teacher turned her back to go back to the desk little clay (jupimg by the side of his chair)... began to do a little dance he turned to the side with his hands up doing the "walk like an egyptian" dance...unfortunately for him the teacher turned in the middle of the dance and got angry with him, but he looked at me and I smiled and giggled...he was just stinkin funny!
Okay, so now that I am back, I plan on talking A LOT over the next few months as I embark on a new journey the next six months....I will be starting my student teaching in a 3/4 combo class tomorrow and I am so excited....but also scared s***less!!! ;)!! Heres a brief descritption of the last few months while I have been gone....beside school work....packing house in in San Fran...moving to Cali....champ move to Cali.. Jordo move to Cali...enjoy are new pool for once...landscape the our pool turn into puddle of the landscape float away....and now I'm to come!!!
I'M BACK B*****es!!!!