
learning my own lesson...

So, this week I was super busy and stressed because I had to be observed by my head supervisor in my classroom. I had to do my own 40 minute lesson with the class. I did a lesson about Olympic nutrition. Everything went well. After the supervisor left we let the class kind of wind down and they were just asking funny questions that they could not when she was in class. One kid, Joey, gave us his own Joey is the cutest kid, he is a little chubby, has bright blond super curly hair, and has a speech impediment that makes him sound like he is about 3...But Joey is the smartest kid in the class, he is about 2 years above grade level...a little too smart himself there we are answering some questions and he raises his hand..yes Joey...he stands up by his desk, "sometimes you have to be very careful and read the small writing ...companies will trick you, they say healthy, natural, sometimes organic and then there will be like hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, or that stuff that makes your tummy hurt (rubs his belly), aspartame, like that peanut butter says natural, but it might have bad stuff in it, or a lot of salt" there you have it....if a 9 year can spout this off, why can't the rest of us? hahha...

Monday Column of the week.... Gyms and Pervs what is the deal with the showers in gyms? It's like "hit the showers" meets Fast Times at Ridgemont High. To put this into perspective, I frequent two gyms that I would say are pretty well known and pretty popular...both of them with the same unusual shower problem. Let me paint a picture for you...You decide to take a swim at your local gym, or you decide to be the one third of gym members to actually break a sweat during your workout: great. So- now you smell, even better; lets make use of the gym showers. So you try to get naked behind the shower curtain to prepare to wash...your scrubbing along, and wooooo, breast.....ooooh, titty, ahhhh! Nipple!....lets be honest here, having a shower curtain that is tan with a strip through the middle of clear, does not leave much to the imagination...I mean unless your under 5'2", you either gotta hold 'em or let 'em fly, because they are showing. It is my opinion that this is no accident, I mean, we all know who created these showers...guys...really? ...if the curtain is closed, chances are someone is in there...So my question is, why the clear strip? and since I will never know, my advice-- cover up the nips....who knows who could lurking in the locker room....

Haiti Helpers...

So I'm one week down with my student teaching and it is going great!!!! There are the cutest little girls in my class, about four of them, who were so sad about the earthquake in Haiti that they decided they wanted to help....They began making little bracelets and selling them at recess. I told them that I would like to buy one and asked how much they sell them for. They said fifty cents!!! Then I found out that they have made over $110!!! That's hundreds of little bracelets! They sell everyday at both recesses and after school!! They are adorable :) (I think I will tip them!)...

My Little Clay ;) finally started my student teaching!!! yay!!! and I love the class and the teacher...they are there's this one little cute, kyle, reminds me of Clay...for those of you who knew him as a little tyke....he never can actually sit down, he is always stading right by his seat jumping, or up on his knees or bouncing much energy, and today the teacher explained that we will be starting a unit on the olympics starting friday, and this excited him...when the teacher turned her back to go back to the desk little clay (jupimg by the side of his chair)... began to do a little dance he turned to the side with his hands up doing the "walk like an egyptian" dance...unfortunately for him the teacher turned in the middle of the dance and got angry with him, but he looked at me and I smiled and giggled...he was just stinkin funny!