

LWT, or my new saying, #lifewithtoddler(yes I say hashtag to my husband) is very interesting.  I have adored every stage of my Hana's life, however, this one tends to drive me a bit crazy! Baby is teething, so I have been preoccupied with holding her while she whines. While Hana hasn't been jealous thus far, she does get a little attention starved.  Seeing the rage begin to form in her eyes, I took her over to the computer (while I pumped of course #whendoesthemaddnessend) and we were doing puzzles on the computer...and how should we react when we can't get the piece in just right? Yes..throwing softie at the computer, hitting the kitty puzzle and running to our room, is what I thought? Hmm...are the "noodles and cheese" done yet? We did however, take the most amazing run this morning! Baby actually lasted the whole time in the jogger(I often have to take her out, bjorn her, and then continue with just a walk)..It was about 68 degrees, partially cloudy, me and Hana saw a "nake" (snake) was amazing, God is good! So maybe that's what its all about this #LWT, Finding that one moment in the day when life takes your breath away just because things are great and being grateful for that moment!

A new year (school year)

I have one of my August resolutions, that I must start blogging again.  I think about it often, so it must have been something I enjoyed doing! I want to have more a theme as I post this year, so I have decided to take on time management... one of my secret obsessions, and how we fit in all of our "gym shoes" activities, and our "high heel" activities,....But, I like the idea of starting on a Monday, though! SO stay tuned for a super awesome post tomorrow! ~Chels