
Choices..some more life-isms

Going along with this time-management kick I have been on, I would like to talk about choices. We all make thousands of choices in a day, from what socks to put on in the morning, to what to do after dinner.  These choices we make can range in level from easy to extremely hard.  We have only so much patience for the choices we make, and many choices...especially for women...can be difficult, time consuming, and lead to unwanted stress.  I am usually plagued by making choices.  I have always struggled in this area...but recently I have been working on choice making and I found out some helpful are 3 that have made my life easier!

1.  Get rid of most of your "little" choices you have to make throughout the day.  I read that most presidents eliminate all the "small" choices that show up throughout the day so they can use their brain power on the more important choices.  They do not choose what they want for breakfast or lunch, they do not even choose their clothes in the morning (they just have the same suits for everyday).  By doing this, they are more focused and able to have a better result when making bigger decisions.  I have been trying to find places in my life where I can eliminate choice making...and it is a time and stress saver, too. Remember...time is precious ;)

2. Just make it.  This is my biggest weakness as a woman.  Often times I know my decision and know the exact choice I want to make, however, I do not want anyone else to be upset with the choice I make. I worry about others' feelings and the way others will look at me.  But sister, I am her to tell you... after researching this, most people are relieved when you make a choice. Besides, if they are really upset, they can say so...if they don't- that's their prerogative. Making the choice actually makes you seem confident and saves time! ....just make sure you say it nicely..."Let's go to sushi...unless anyone objects"...

3. When making big choices...go with your gut. Often times when we make big choices, we look to others.  This is smart...but only if you are looking to others who have your best interest...and more importantly are on the same page as you.  Your Grandma might have your best interest...but run a new business by her...and she might say something completely opposite of what you were wanting.  We have all been guilty of making a choice based on what others have said...then we have greatly regretted it.  Ask for advice...but then ask the reasons why someone gives you that advice....then make your own choice...following your instinct.  Remember...most give advice based on what they would do...or worse based on if it makes them jealous or not...Save time and energy by making your own choice!

Hope this helps...

What successful people do before breakfast...

Okay, so I am staying at home with my baby and I absolutely love spending time with her...but lets face it... hours and hours of little social interaction and not much to do can be hard.  I thrive on being productive and accomplishing things I set out to do.  These to do list is small. However, I can't take on to big a project because I do want my time to go to my little Hana cakes.  Long story short...I have been feeding my mind by reading... a lot.  I have read 3 books in the last few days.  They are all books about success and making your life as amazing as you can.  One of the books I just finished is "What Successful People do before Breakfast".  A lot of people look at successful people and think....they got dealt a lucky hand...they got all the breaks.  However, if you dive into the lives of a lot of successful people they have one thing in common.  They maximize their time.  They have priorities.  They know how to manage their business, family, and even place an importance on taking care of themselves.  This book gave a powerful insight into how successful people utilize their time.  Especially time in the morning.  They do not waste the time in the morning on surfing the web or facebook, sitting and staring at the tv.  They use these hours for productivity.  The morning, for most people, is a time where our brains are the most ready to tackle new challenges (once we get out of bed of course)...and a time where we are most creative.  And I am not saying their isn't a time for social media and tv...there is...but why not wait for those activities for a time when your brain is tired and moving slow...for most of us this is in the late afternoon/evening...Successful people are utilizing there mornings to exercise, make business plans, have breakfast dates with their kids, and write novels.  They are maximizing there hours...and time is money... The biggest thing I learned was to make a plan for the morning hours...if you have extra, or could squeeze a few in...and then figure out what area of your life needs a makeover.  Do you feel like you are not spending enough time with your kids? Maybe you could squeeze in thirty minutes of play time. Or do you have amazing business ideas, but are too tired to get them down on paper in the evening?  Maybe you have been neglecting your health and an early morning run, yoga and healthy breakfast will help you reach a physical goal, or maybe you need to spend time spiritually, praying and meditating on God's that is a successful start to your day.  I am very interested in time management and ideas that make people successful...share the way you spend your morning if you have great ideas!!!

A little life-ism from me...

My stomach~ I hold everything in my stomach...and I don't just mean my "Hana pounds"..I mean as far as emotions/stresses/anxieties.  During various periods in my life I have had severe stomach troubles.  I have attributed it to stress, allergies, a host of different foods, name it I have I thought I had it.  Over the last year I have really been doing great.  Even though I was pregnant, I felt pretty good.  However, a few weeks ago I started getting plagued with an ailing stomach.  I had to go into work and was also juggling Hana and I thought that the stress of all of that was causing my troubled stomach.  I figured that once things settled down, I would be back to normal, and all my stomach problems would go away.  They didn't...weeks later I was still suffering.  I am the kind of person who really likes to get to the bottom of things.  I will obsess about it until I find the best solution.  After being "over" this issue...I decided to do a gut check(not literally, my stomach was too sore) and figure out the real source of my problem.  While I completely believe in medicine and doctors, I also believe that we have power in our bodies to figure out the source of our pain and sickness.  I started thinking about the various times in my life that I have had days/weeks/months of stomach problems.  I refused to think it was just a little I know I am not that weak of a person....and I have always thrived under pressure, deadlines, and challenges.  Some of my greatest moments were those when I have put a lot of pressure and stresses on my body and mind. I tend to thrive when I have a lot going on and when I am feeling challenged.  So naturally it bothered me to think that I couldn't handle the stress.  That is when I came to a realization.  I wrote down all the times I could remember having this stomach problem.  I analyzed the way I felt and what I was doing at the time.  These times weren't times when I had a host of challenging midterms surrounded by a conference track meet.  They weren't times when I'd had interviews or had to speak in front of an audience(things I dislike).  It wasn't when I was pregnant or tired or pushing my body too hard. 

After meditating and analyzing and praying, I finally found the solution, the times when I have had stomach problems were times when I felt out of control.   The times when I was putting pressure no myself and when I had tests and track meets were times I felt completely in control. I knew I had prepared and trusted my body was ready. Now it doesn't seem as though I would be out of control the last few weeks when I was juggling school and Hana, in fact you would think it would be the opposite..I was setting the schedule, I was with baby, I was in charge.  But I let myself take a back seat in a car I was supposed to be driving.  Isn't it amazing that us women do this.  I know so many women to seem to give up control of their lives and then suffer the consequences.  This is exactly what I have done in many situations. 

And here's how it happened. Knowing that I was going to be having a long-term sub and be out on maternity leave, I mentally gave control of my classroom to my sub. Even though I would be doing the setting up and getting everything started, I didn't feel in control of my classroom.  I wasn't making decisions like I ususally would and I felt pressured to do what I thought the sub would like.  I wasn't making my own choices, and I suffered. Also, I was worried about being away from Hana.  And while I am not that controling of a mom/wife I just felt like I was out of control with the whole situation.   I began last week fixing this, and going above and beyond taking control of my life and my time.  It has completely relieved my symptoms.  

So...why am I telling you this.  Well I think that there is a powerful moral here.  Life flies by, and the world doesn't stop spinning.  By letting things go and fester in our bodies and minds, we waste valuable time...and time is precious.  Take a beat and get to the source of your problem.  Eliminate it and move forward.  

wardrobe malfunction

Updating my look.  So I have been on this quest lately to update my look. I mean lets face it...I'm not 21 anymore, I have a child and a career.  While this doesn't mean I need to strap on my mom pants and grab some granny panties, it does mean that I want to add in some more modern updated pieces to my wardrobe. Since I live in the middle of the ocean, unfortunately there are not very many place to now that I am officially on maternity leave, I have taken to the computer to find  my replacements.  I also got rid of half of my closet last week.  What an amazing feeling that was! I can actually see what I have! Please share any ideas/tips on updating a wardrobe!

Mehana Ruby Dizon

Wow, what a year it has been for our little family. On June 1, 2013, we welcomed our perfect little angel to the world.  She was 7lbs 12 oz and born at 4:30 in the morning! We are so excited to have her in our life and are having so much fun getting to know her.  She has quite the personality...and looks just like her dad...its true, I gave birth to my husband's long lost twin...haha.  At first, I thought she had my mouth or chin or something...but after looking at numerous baby picture of Jordo when he was a baby, I can see that she is all dad.  I know why this happened! Jordo told everyone that she might not be his child...boy did that backfire haha....she told him! At least he's pretty cute ;)...she does however, have my skin coloring...poor thing...and ears...the only two things I wish she had gotten from her dad! But...we'll keep her anyways :)

Beached Whale Alert!

So, I was at the beach yesterday...when I saw a beached whale! Okay, so it was just me in shorts, but still the resemblance was uncanning! Pregnancy is coming along...pretty well.  I feel pretty good I am just getting bigger and bigger by the day.  This has made it hard to do anything! It is hard to get up, shave my legs, dress myself, and well anything....see exhibit A...which was from a few weeks ago.  So now it is spring break and I am just and my main man Champ have been spending our days walking, eating, and watching bad doesn't get much better!

What's new with us?
I am so excited that Jordon graduates this Friday! He will finally be home Sunday for good...maybe life can get back to normal :) ...whatever that means! And...we just cannot wait for the arrival of Mehana Ruby Dizon!
Exhibit A...

Just one beer?

Okay, now that we are well into seems as though the days and weeks are flying by at alarming rates! This is exciting, though, because that means we get to start getting ready for baby! At about five and a half months...the end is getting closer and closer! And, while I know I said "I love being pregnant" was in that answer to the everyday question of how are you feeling, "ya, I just feel great, and really love being pregnant"(while inside thinking, if I don't eat right now, I might tear your face off!)...I am looking forward to the end...and a beer! Okay, well that was my subconscious talking...but maybe it has a point...
I mean, don't we all just need a beer now and then? I mean life usually looks up after having only one, and it makes most meals much more exciting! So drink a beer for me :)...hehe
And...on that note, I have been thinking(I know, babe, it is scary when us "blondes'" think)...but I think we all need to add a little fun to our life!  So many people I know seem to get stuck in life...and forget to just have a good time sometimes....not too mention they complain about how little time they have for anything fun...(you know my motto "we all have ALL the time there is") They get going with the day-to-day routine and life and kids and everything else that comes their way, that they do not pencil in "fun"!...And really, it is healthy. I know that lately I have made a point to try and add a little more fun to my routine...especially since I am alone most of the time. It has been easy for me on some days to just be "bored"...I do my work, rest, maybe work out a little...and then, what?, while you don't need to take a family trip to can invite your friend over I need to say, a beer...haha, just don't ask me ;)...or to watch your favorite show...or even have can also have one night where you watch your favorite movie...sometimes, just looking forward to the fact that I have planned to watch a favorite movie or a few episodes of my favorite show makes my day feel so much more special. Or you can even make your favorite dessert or that's easy, so you don't pizza, order in...yes! on a week night! When my dad was gone when I was little, sometimes my mom would take us to the store and let us pick out a frozen dinner and a treat.  Then we would go home and eat and watch a movie(even on a school night)... I loved it, and it was so much fun for all of us! And, no fighting over dinner ;) the moral of the blonde woman's thinking is... schedule in a little fun and see how it makes you feel!


So...everybody has been asking is teaching going?! answer would have been (yesterday) "I Love It!".  And while I am a little biased, I do think I have maybe the best job ever! I do have the cutest and craziest class in the world but the reason I said "yesterday" is because my kids were actually soooooo naughty today! They had a challenging test this morning and from then on they could not stop chatting! I feel like my ears are still rattling.  It didn't seem to matter how many times I said "class" and they said "yes" they could not control I finally just gave in and let them play and listen to kidz bop...I wish I was still a kid :)

TGIF and other news...

Thank goodness it's Friday! cute husband is coming home tonight! His birthday was this week so we will have a little celebration for the guy this Sunday (Beer, Chili, and Football, does it get anymore manly?)

So....if you are unaware of our current living situation...we live in a nice little cottage type is super cute and backs up to a creek and feels like you are actually living in the middle of the jungle...however...we are only renting this little place and have contemplated buying a home over here for quite some time.  It has just been hard because we did not want to sell our California home and we have never been quite sure how long we will be here, so we have been hesitant. However, we finally made a move, and although we love this little jungle bungalow, we are very excited to be out of the mosquitoes and I can finally be free of all my new cat friends(more on that later)...we have decided on a brand new town is a few miles up the road and was just finished! we move in in two months! yes!  Here is a picture!
Isn't it cute?! I cannot wait to start decorating....unfortunately we have to get all new pics and things because all of our molded...that's what you get when you live next to a creek in Kauai! More pics to come soon...

It's a girl!!!

So, as I am sure most of you know, we are having a girl! And we couldn't be happier....Jordon was a little bummed at first, but that was only because he had 3 bets that equaled around $300 saying that it was a boy! Now that he has gotten over the loss of the bets he is so excited! This girl is going to love her daddy! He told me last night that I moved down the list of his, Champ, me....he said if it was a boy it would be Champ, me, baby, but now that its a girl it's his princess! oh great! I always new how Champ fared...but what about mommy :)!  However...she is already a pain! When we went for the official ultrasound, she was upside down and facing backwards...meaning no good pictures! So long, scrapbook photos! The only two good pictures we got were of her feet.  Not saying those weren't very cute, but I wanted a cute face or profile picture!

Sooooo, this whole pregnancy thing is hilarious.... I had know idea how my body would respond, or how I would respond for that matter when I got pregnant...but lets just say, incubating a baby is hard! hahaha, and a pain, literally, sometimes!  So, I cannot complain because I was not one of those women who threw up every minute of every day, which I know you hate me for...but I think that was my one perk since to get this baby I needed shots everyday for a month...but anyways, incubation is hard...My stomach feels like it is a hard rock-like structure with bubbles floating around in it...I haven't slept in months and I obsess about everything.  My husband jokes that he did the right thing by not being around these last few months... but it is not a joke! I have always been a pretty even tempered gal, I don't get very moody and I am not quick to anger...however, enter baby and watch not get on my bad side...or I will let you have it...I am sure I could conquer the world at this point...which maybe moms need!...I have never been one of those people who say exactly how they feel because I am always looking out for others' feelings...but I keep having to bite my tongue!! Help me!  I woke Jordon up in the middle of the night last weekend to yell about doing something about the cats on our was 3am!!! Like he cared at that point, luckily he just agreed with me... not too mention I am losing my mind.  I put my ice cream away in the cupboard last night and I began yelling for Jordon(again) who was outside because I couldn't find the cat food...little could I tell that my hand was actually in the bag of cat food with a cup full of cat food ready to be poured into the dish! What is happening?! hahahha....I know it sounds bad...but I am actually doing really well and I love being pregnant! It's just hilarious!

What's going on in the New Year?

Catching up with the Dizon's:
So I am still on this never ending roller coaster of me and my husband having a less than normal lifestyle. It seems as though ever since we got married we have had this crazy weird schedule, where we just seem to never be together...and although have I heard "what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger"..I still wish I got to wake up to my cute hubby every morning...dare to dream :).  However, I see some normalcy coming in our future so hopefully someday I'll know what its like!  Jordon, for those who do not know, is training in Honolulu to be a fireman.  He left for Honolulu in October and will be finished March 22...and then I finally foresee some sense of regular life...whatever that is! The one thing I love about our current situation is Waikiki.  Honolulu is great.  If you have never been there is  an amazing place to visit.  Waikiki is beautiful, fun and has the best shopping and restaurants around...not too mention the beach has crystal clear blue warm water! So my weekend trips to Honolulu are more like mini vacations...I shouldn't complain.

Anyways, school has started back up again and I can't believe that Christmas is over!  I had the most awesome time in Texas/Honolulu where I traveled.  In Texas, the ole' Haverty clan was officially back was scary to say the least! we haven't been together (just the 4 of us) in quite some time and it was so nice!  And although my brother still enjoys making me mad, and my mom and dad still take his side, I ended up having an extremely fun time.  Clay opened my eyes to the "bad lip reading" experience on it if you haven't...I have never laughed so hard in my whole life! Me and Clay watched it way too many times, and then decided to quote it every chance we got... our poor parents!  After saying farewell in Texas I got to go back to my cute husband who didn't get to spend Christmas with us because of his training and hang out in Honolulu for a few days.  We had our own little Christmas celebration then it was back to Kauai. 

So our totally exciting news this week if you are not already a bit bored is that we get to find out the sex of Pionship(what we call our baby, Jordon made it up because we have Champ and Pionship, Championship...don't ask) tomorrow! Can you believe it, already? We are so excited! I am 19 weeks today! Jordon is wanting a mom and Darla a girl...and me, I don't really care! I am just excited to start buying things for him or her :) ...

Here are some pics from the last few weeks:

The Parental Units, aren't they cute?!

We got to see the cousins' in Texas! Too much fun!

My Handsome Bro
                                                                            Our perfect tree :)

                                                                        Jordon in Training

              4 Mos..I know not really showing :) But after Cheescake Factory, I was a little bigger ;)
                                                                Isn't he cute :)

4 mos 3 weeks....a little belly!