

Good morning bloggpoos...just wanted to update everyone on the J man...He is scheduled for sugery Tuesday, September 7th.  We will be going to California tomorrow until the 13th.  I will keep you all updated as we go :) ...Please send your prayers his way!

New Year~!

So, since I have never not been a student, surprise, I have always been on the September as the beginning of my year train... So, I like to make my "new year's resolutions" around this time....However, instead of boring you with a list about myself...ewe...I decided I will take it one at a time....Today's more ;~)

For my facebook family...I have decided to give facebook a rest for the next month to finish up school. I often find myself wasting time when I do not want to do schoolwork ;).  So if you want to catch up with me, either email ( or call.... and follow my blog which I will have more time for now :)  ...either click "main home" to see the entire blog...or type in   ..clicking on this link will only take you to this post...later gator...

So...funny story about one of my goals to be shared yesterday in church we had a great message.  It was about how when you are on top of the mountain, or have a moment of great success, that we become very vulnerable.  We are an easy target for the prey, or satin.  He likes to hit us when we are up because we have the greatest distance to fall.  With that being said, me and Jordon have been eating very healthy lately.  Last night I decided to make spaghetti. I looked in my "Deceptively Delicious" cookbook to see what veggies I could add to the sauce without affecting the flavor.  I saw squash and carrots.  So I steamed both and blended them up.  Then I began to make dinner. Seeing as Jordon is home a lot now, our dinners are often a team effort, or okay, lets face it, I make the salad if I am lucky...But pasta is my thing, I, usually, make it much better than he can (right here you know where I am going with this). So he says, here let me help you...I give him a totally hard time (after a glass of wine on my part) about how I am so good at pasta, so confident, so MUCH better than him...he says okay I am sitting right here and watching you make the whole dinner...I say GOOD.   Well here I am on top of my mountain....just waiting to fall... I put all the ingredients together, feeling great that I added so many healthy things to my sauce...then I go in for the taste test.  Now, let me remind you that I grew up eating nothing of flavor because I was sooo picky, therefore, I can eat bland things.  This sauce was beyond tasted as I think cauliflower baby food would taste...not that great.  So I swallow my pride...look at Jordon with my sad eyes and say, come taste test and see what you would add...oh did he give me a hard time...blah...I finally convince him to come over...he worked his magic.  After about adding everything in our spice cupboard and about a half a bottle of economy size wine...we did a second taste test..much better...and the dinner worked out okay...but next time he wants to help, I guess I'll let him.  And maybe I shouldn't add a whole entire summer squash and a whole bag of carrots and a whole can of tomatoes to a sauce...I'm just not that good

Can't Sleep!

Thought this was a cute pic :) I love my cuddler!

video bloggin'

okay, so I decided to start doing a few video is my first one... just a tester ;0


Sorry bloggypoos I have been MIA...I have had a lot going on...I am back in the D town, hanin with the home boy. Unfortunately, he was badly injured in the game against the Stealers and is now resting for the fall...but to look on the positive side, I get to spend more time with him! And...we have been having fun! We went to the drive in movies, on a lot of dates, and taken Champ on a million walks!  I love having my baby with me :)...Also, I have been finishing up two classes this week the last few weeks, I have one more in Sept. and then..dun dun dun...I will be a real teacher :)...kindergarten here I come!...well not for awhile, but someday! 


Champ blogged! click on his picture to the right side....or here


So...I'm wondering where the recession is because we went to Disney land recently and it was crazy!!! So much fun, but a lot of people spending a lot of money!!! A great day though~!