
CEO: Part 3

Okay, so sorry it has taken so long to write this blog post, I was out of town, and then I was dealing with some family things, so I had no room in my brain left to post something worth meaning.  This next part is extremely crucial.  Its your company's....i.e. Chelsea inc.'s...mission statement.  What does your company stand for, what is most important to your company? What is most important to you?  Take a piece of paper and write down your mission statement.  The biggest thing I am going to stress to you is not to do what you think would be the best mission statement, not to do what you think would be the "coolest" mission statement. DO what feels right to you.  It can be a short list, explaining the priorities of your company, or it can be a long essay explaining your life outlook. Whatever it is, right it down, meditate over it. Think deeply about it. 

After you have written down and created the perfect mission statement, see what areas you need to change in your life to help bring these missions to pass every day.  Your mission statement should be your life everyday. SO figure out ways to live this way everyday.  With that being said, if something does not seem to be working everyday, you might need to change it.  This is a living statement, capable of change.  Now don't make it too easy on yourself and just keep it too simple.  But if something isn't sitting right with your heart, ax it!  Hope this helps bring focus to your life :).

CEO: Part 2, the "employees"

                       Okay, now that you have decided on a CEO and VP of your new company, we are going to take a turn and figure out who you want for your employees.  I did this on my own business plan.  Now remember I am running Chelsea, Inc. and I want the best employees I can find.  I started by listing all the people that were really close to me.  Of course the top employees of your company would be spouses and/or immediate family.  They are your support system. The next employees are those that you are really close with.  Close friends, close extended family, maybe a coworker.  These are the people you spend your time with.  Now comes the hard part.  Picking the best employees.  We all have a lot of people we talk with an associate with and discuss our problems and concerns with.  However, not all of these people are good employees.  Lets take a look at employees in general.  Some are full of integrity.  They care deeply about the company they work for.  They do what is right and they work hard for their boss, even if it does not benefit them.  Then there are some employees who are good, but they don't really give 100% effort.  They "slack off" and can be lazy.  Then there are the vampires.  They suck the company dry for their own best interest.  They do not have the interest of anyone else besides themselves at mind.  The last kind of employees are those that have been their for years.  They may be cranky and sick of what they are doing, but they are full of knowledge.  They have seen ups, downs, and know the ins and outs of the company.  There may be other types, but in the interest of time, we will look at only a few.  Now think about these types of employees.  Think about the types of employees that you want running your company. 
                              The next step is to take a look at your list and look at the employees, or your "support" system.  WHO has your best interest? Who can you tell your ideas to and get an honest response that serves you, not someone else? Who cares about you and wants what's best?  Do some of them constantly deplete you? DO some of them leave you dry and angry? Which ones inspire you, fill you with joy, provide a good example? Often times, which is unfortunate, friends fall under the "vampire" heading.  They want to be around you when you are doing good, but are quick to suck the life out of you, too.  They may even want you to fail, shutting down your ideas and dreams.  Because remember, through God, you can do anything, so you want employees who feel that way, too.  So now take some of the "bad" employees off your list.  Now I know scripture says to love each person as your brother, forgive them their trespasses.  And you will.  You are not cutting these people out of your life, you are not being mean to them.  You will pray for them, and hopefully one day they will return to your company.  They will be your acquaintances, maybe even someone you will help and guide.  However, they are bad employees, and too many bad employees will ruin any company.   You need to take them out of the _______________, inc. plan, as Satan puts obstacles in our life in the form of jealousy and laziness, and if those you consistently go to for advice and help and guidance have those things against you, they will help you fall, not prosper. 

High Heels moment...

SO I know I am on my "CEO" series...but I thought I would break in for a little High Heels moment and talk about beauty.  I love products. Hair products, face products, skin products, you name it-I've tried it.    According to scripture we are to look for the inward beauty, the person, the soul. However, God also wants us to be good to ourselves.  By doing so, we show the respect we have for the bodies that we have been given.  So, with this being said, I have always just bought the product that seemed to fit my need for the time. I did not mean to sin, nor did I think of it badly.  However, most times I already had product at home, so I was being wasteful, and I was spending way too much money on the product.  This is money that can be saved and used for a much better purpose.  So I have found a solution...and I think the best product anywhere!!! Let me start by telling you about the beautiful skin my mother and her sister have.  Their skin is soft, full of moisture and is radiant.  They have their share of skin and aging problems like anyone, but their skin is so beautiful. They both use regular lotion.  My mom uses Vaseline lotion, and her sis uses Lubriderm.  Now they add in a few products here and there, my mom likes "Boots" and uses some retinol creams. However, they use the regular lotion or sunscreen most days...SO I have started, but it was boring so... Then I found another breakthrough.  Vitamin E oil...which can be found at any drug store.  It was 6$ at the Kauai Longs...and people, if it's's where you are too! And cheaper!! So viola, I have created my own super cheap, last forever beauty product...  Vaseline lotion and Vitamin E oil.  What is also neat is that you can add a few drops of the Vit. E oil to your water at night and actually get a supplement.  You only need a bit on your face and the amount of moisture it adds back in is incredible.  I put more around my eyes and on my forehead. Moral of the story, you do not have to break the bank in order to look your best ;)!