
Soooo much to blog about!!!

Psych!!! So...basically I have not been blogging...because I have absolutely nothing exciting to say...but as my mom would say, "no news is good news ;)"...So I will just give you a brief update of my super totally exciting life! I had three meltdowns by students yesterday...and while they did provide some entertainment in an otherwise normal day, it was hard trying not to laugh...poor little guys!...however, I am starting to really understand this kindergarten thing and I love seeing my kids learn and grow :)..I am so excited to go to california next week..and then colorado! yay!  I can't believe it is fall already...even though it still looks like summer here! We are goint to the high school football game tonight, which should be fun! I wish I had more to say...but I don't :) Some cool pics....

How are my goals going!

Happy Thursday! Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday! ...Lets see! SO I went back through and made some major edits to my last post, it was not very smooth, sorry! I was in a rush :). As for some goals I have been working on to be a little more serene...some of them are really helping...  I have been doing a little yoga each night and it is awesome...I really want to try to do more as time permits...Sleep-I have been sleeping.  I went to bed at 9:30 the last few nights and that has really helped.  I am not too tired after school...however, now when 9pm hits, my body says:sleep!! Poor Jordon has to hang out by himself for a few hours at night :(...I have worked out every day this week so far! yipeee! (yoga works double time)...I have had things to do outside the classroom everyday, so I have been racing out at 2:45 each day.  Therefore, I haven't had an opportunity to "set my classroom alarm" at 3:30 yet, which is when I want to start leaving...and writing!...I have started up my journaling again, and it is so much fun, and fun to read back through old entries...God answers a lot of prayers :)!.."ask and you shall receive" ;)...I put my daily devotional in my bag for school, so when I have a minute, or need to re-focus my time, I can look at it quickly and gain some perspective...especially when a girl comes up to you crying, one who barely even talks, with her hair hanging out in her face because the boy next to her decided it would be funny to pull it as hard as he could, then take her art paper and crumble it up....I need the word of God to help me from lashing out on these little boys!  haha, they are stinking cute though ;0

LiFe iS gOOd!

So we went island hopping to Oahu this weekend...something I never thought I would be doing! And we had a great time! We flew in Friday evening and we were then able to spend time with some of our best friends, Rj and Rikki. They have a beautiful home in Oahu and are a blast to be around.  Saturday we went to the CU v UH game..which was a bummer for us because CU really struggled! But...the tailgate and the game were super fun..

Welp... other than that, we got home yesterday afternoon and Jordon went to work... I came home and had a nice evening with my other man...Champ... and he even watched House Bunny with me...what a guy!! So this morning, I was so excited to sleep in a little bit and wake up and watch the Today Show...but its not on, or it is not on here at bummed...I am having Kathy Lee amd Hoda withdrawals! haha...I guess I'll have to stick to the Fox News this morning....Which is good since I am kind of in a secluded world, but  maybe I should see what is going on...or maybe its just best to not know ;)....  Although...this weekend was really nice because we got a little bit city life...after being in the country for a month.  I forget how country it is here and then we go to Oahu...and I am like oh my goodness! Here is a picture of where I run in Kauai..and this is a crowded road and a good sized little town in Kauai ;) Super nice run! Where are the people!?
Other than that I like to end with talking about how Life is Good.  I have been on a roller coaster of emotions lately. I have been excited to be in a new place, and excited to be with family and friends.  I have been stressed out with work, moving and life in general.  I have been sick and extremely tired.  I have run myself into exhaustion and seen how my body can react in harsh conditions...  I have been sad to be away from my family and sad because I am missing my friends. I have been happy to do something so neat as moving to Hawaii with my husband.  I feel lucky to be able to be in such a beautiful place.  I feel content to know that I finally have a career that I enjoy and that I can be good at... As you can see, in life, there are always ups and downs, ins and outs. However, when you go down you always come back up :)...So..This week I would like to focus on staying steady, or keeping my emotional roller coaster at bay.  This means I am going to have to work on,not worrying as much about the small stuff, taking care of body before its gets too low, and then taking the excitement with care and re-focusing it into motivation and relaxation.  How do I do this, you might  ask?
Just remember that LIG...

New Product Review!

So...I went to Honolulu this weekend and did a lot of shopping :)...oooops! But...seeing as I am always shopping for a good instant tanner, as so many are very unnatural I feel compelled to tell you that I found a good one.  I have tried many of Victoria's Secret instant tanners and never found one I absolutely loved.  However, this weekend I got the "Custom Tan: Adjustable Self-Tan Lotion with Shimmer" and it worked excellent.  It only took a few hours to show up, and has a really nice glow.  This morning I got up preparing to get rid of streaks...and I have none, not even around my hands! Score!...and you can turn the dial to get a lighter or deeper tan!

Woe is me...

SO, the last 24 hours have not been the my greatest...i know there are worse things out there, but sometimes you just gotta vent..and then drink a lot of wine..and then vent..and then wine more drink...I mean drink more wine....It all started with the death of a tiny little three legged friend yesterday evening...We have this grasshopper that has only three legs and has made a home in our kitchen for the last few weeks..every morning when I wake up he is right there standing over the sink ...huge green adorable...I know I have been dissing the whole Kauai bug scene lately...but this one won my anyways, I am minding my own business doing some laundry, and I open the dryer...dum dum dum...out falls my green little friend...fried crispy. I think to myself no-it's not him, I flip him leg :( was my friend...I started crying, because I put the clothes in the dryer, I killed him...devastation. I finally got over it and tried to begin my Thursday like every other Thursday...but some days you just don't have the energy.  I have 20 4 year-olds in my class, all day!...and its just me, no help. 20. 20. 20. If my energy isn't hyperactive and vibrant...the day does not go smoothly...and that is what happened. When your energy is not that of 10 can't help every child...and then all heck breaks loose. One kid is crying, one is hitting little boy is rolling around on the carpet...while the other has glued himself to his art project...and another is telling me that her shirt is too dirty, she MUST go change it.  This is where my patience would be nice...but today it took a vacation...far far far away.  Thank goodness for playdough...and good wine....woe is me.... ;)