

Okay, so the sun has been non existent the last few weeks! I see it peeking today, maybe I'll go burn~! The topic of sun burns(or nice tans ;) ) is one of particular interest to me... I mean I look at pictures of my family and friends from when they were young in their twenties during the 70s & 80s and they look hot!...& tan!...but now, they tell us "ahhhhh don't burn, don't go in the sun, I used to and now I have wrinkles!" I listen and then I look at my photos and unless I dragged myself into the airbrush booth and dished out about 35 bucks I look like a pale ghost! If you can even see me, definitely not pictures I want to keep around! I think it's a conspiracy against the younger generation... (I do know that burning is not good...;) )

NewS of ThE daY..How not to be boring...

Thanks to Kathie Lee & Hoda...we can learn how not to be boring...
How not to be boring: this is for people who think they are fascinating but they're not
*Listen more than you talk
*Stop talking if you are boring yourself
*Know historical anecdotes (?what, those people are boring)
*We don't like the person who knows everything
*Drawn out pauses are the best time to talk about yourself (pause..."so, I am like really smart")
*If someone interrupts your story.. give it up(then I guess listen to them?)
*Limit story to five minutes....please!
*Weird people with weird pets...okay so all of them I like but this one...I think these people might be interesting..but decide for yourself


Me and Champ are all alone now! Everyone is gone....however, we do have another little furry friend staying with us~ we have calle for the week, Champ's girlfriend!  So, today my run consisted of dragging around two golden retreivers, blah!  Not to mention I am already bored...I layed out for awhile, boring, watched tv, pretty little liars(which I adore)... then got answer~ Shopping! retail therapy~ always a winner! no longer bored ;)

shoots bra...where you going?

So my flyin' hawaiian leaves me tomorrow to go back to 8 mile... :(... Wish him good luck in training camp! Go Lions!'s going to be a great season! (say hi to rabbit for me ;) )

I wanna be a Billionaire...

So, I'm having a hard time figuring out how Travie & Bruno (rappers/singers of "Billionaire") are going to end the recession with their billion...they say that they can buy all the things they never rich like Oprah, adopt babies who never had s***...give away mercedes' more than fema did in katrina...but then they say "we are in recession" and we will "take a crack at it" ..."probably take whats left [of my money] and just split it up, so everyone that I love can have a couple bucks"...while they did mention that they were in a whole new tax bracket...I think they forgot that they are already down to 1/2 billion...seems like they have a lot to do before they split it up...Can't wait to get my check ;) (I do~however~like this song haha)


Ok totally sick of driving!! And if you know us it won't be a surprise to know that of course we didn't reserve a hotel room in San Fran in advance~nope we waited...until this drive... So now I'm cranky because I have no patience for technology and have to book a room when the service is going in and out and I keep losing everything... Mood~ impatient :/! Can't wait to show uke the city though!!

Going up North!

So, finally my husband decided to buckle down and visit my roots...we leave tomorrow morning! Ok babe, I know that one round table and twenty acres that someone else owns now does not sound that appealing, but you will love it...maybe..., I mean you have to, we've been together long enough to visit my think now there's a quiznos ;). We leave tomorrow morning! Peace out B******S!


Okay, so me and jordon are getting old! We thought we were so cool by planning not one, but two trips to Vegas this July~ wrong! after three nights of partying in Vegas we came home did no nothing for about 5 days~ we canned the second trip, canned going out in San Diego with friends...just about everything...we are finally feeling better...lets see where we went wrong?

First of many...Hopefully

OK! I suck at this keeping up with the Kardashians...I mean blogging! will be happy to know that I am done student teaching, and now have a considerable amount of time on my hands...what do I do with know the! so....I have been working on some posts for the last few weeks so the should now be flowing like the salmon of capistrano....