
Morning Sunshines! easiest day...and maybe Happy Hour :) what are your Wednesday plans? I wish I had something to say...but I just don"t :( umm...the waves were super huge yesterday...the beach was so packed with spectators that you couldn't even run on the road...and Champ couldn't even swim! Crazy!  Oh and Jordon and me have come up with s super awesome "semi-homade" recipe...which I don't really want to tell you about for fear that I might make it for you one day trying to pass it off as homemade...but what the heck, we will cross that bridge when we get there! For those of you who have a costco...we have been getting the frozen floutas...the chipoltle chicken ones...then we line them(frozen) along the bottom of a pan..fill the whole thing up..and pour over enchilada sauce mixed with sour cream and cheese and bake(at 400).  They make the most amazing and quick enchiladas...better than any restaurant :)!! k, byee...share quick recipes with me, okay! that me and Jordon are both working ;0

Goodmorning! Little high heels & gym shoes Lesson!

Welp, I finally got ready in time to enjoy my coffe and blog before school! This is a first! My classroom is starting to get in I am having a little more free time.  So, every fall for the last three years, I have been doing a bible study in Detroit.  This year, I am having withdrawls! We have just joined a Calvary Chapel here, so hopefully eventually we will be able to join a study or something...but in the mean time I pulled out my old bible study material from Detroit. The book we focused on for two years...which I have told my fam called Lies Women Believe....and I absolutely love it. It is not for everybody though.. and can be a little "hard core" with telling you the truth... but I think it is great!...So in the first few chapters you are to ask God to shed light on where you are believing lies, and need to hear the truth.  I believe he is teaching me tolerance through my words.  Sometimes when people ask me things, or talk to me, I end up telling them too much or sharing a problem, just to make good conversation.  Then the people want to help you...which is great...but it is not always in ways you would like them to...It's kind of along the lines of be careful what you wish this is my little lesson today..always think about the things you say, even if they are good things, which was in my case..because you never know where they might lead :)

ExhaUsTeD!...but BaCK

So...I love my job, but I am officially exhausted! I have been working 24 hours a day and I still have more to do :)...I couldn't even blog!  I haven't even been working out!...just working day and night for these little munchkins!. So...I am finally getting more I foresee the light shining through in my future...and hopefully I will be able to be a better blogger...because we all know its my fav thing!!
NE catch you up with our lives...that would be me and da J ya go. J got a job working at the Marriott, and he is totally excited...and so am I...$60 a night at any Marriott in the world! He is really enjoying his retirement and his body is finally starting to heal...he is feeling better than ever.  My kids are crazy like I said before...I spent my lunch yesterday talking to three four year-olds about why we do not use the classroom as a place to carry out wrestling matches while they cried because they were missing recess...and they are so just want to give in...our house is finally in order and is super cute...although we are infested with every kind of bug you could family would be so proud that I have learned to be okay with bugs crawling all around me...I am maturing ;) Champ is doing more than great now that he has settled in here...he basically goes to the beach with his dad everyday...then goes on a bike ride or run with him...spoiled! although...he gets so jealous of our duck family..which is getting really brave because they know Champ will not chase them...I actually fed them bread this morning...Champ managed to get out the back and run around to the front..and steal the bread...then sit down to show me he deserved some to...super spoiled :)
Last night we went to the fair! is the big think over here..and they actually call it the carnival....I pictured a Nevada County fair size...not too big, not super small, since it is the whole island..but it was a little different than the 'ole NC fair...the 4H program was only 4 sheep, 2 goats, & 3 cute!!! but we had such a good time, we went with J's sis Alex and we took Mauka..Jordon's nephew..and he loved it! We ate too much food and too many malasadas, they also have these things called flying saucers...I do not know if you have had...but they are two pieces of bread with sloppy jo and cheese mixed in the middle and then they are grilled good!!
..our biggest problem thus far in Kauai has been our coffee maker...I know, seriously! it is a disaster...we first noticed a problem when we plugged in our kurig and noticed that the coffee looked rather "clear" we called and played around with it and after a week it came back to us...then it started producing bad coffee Jordon went and bought a regular one...and yesterday the coffee still did not taste good!! we are going crazy!!! haha, Peewee & Cathy, I know what your thinking...just go buy the cheapest one, and it will make the best coffee! ...So anyways, life is good here, just busy! We got a brand new TortillaBar Restaurant and it is so cool and so nice...happy hour here we come! Byee!

Bugz & Roosterz

Okay, who screams "get the hell out of there before I sit down on this toliet!?"...the answer to that question is the blond headed girl living in bugsville, bugsdiana...I mean Koloa, Hi.  We have them everywhere, and if there isn't a bug, there is geckos...I took a shower with two geckos this cute :) And..I have not yet gotten used to the Roosters. Usually they yell at the break of dawn...great, no alarm clock needed, and how nice to wake up to...however, we have one in our backyard who is from California...and cock a doodle doos at 3am every sunlight...I tried to wake Champ up last night and sick him on 'em...but his lazy butt wouldn't even lift his head and to make it worse, he started fake sleeping...
Sometimes...teaching seems like this :)


Ahh, so I made it through my first week alive!! I was so busy, I didn't even have time to blog! Let's recap the week....So my first few days were long, stressful, and hard, but tons of fun.  My class is so adorable, and they are sooo tiny... I have a class with most of what they call the "late borns" so most of my students are still four. They are so little and cute....I have a few little trouble makers, which I am sure you will hear me venting about from time to already in the first week of school I had to talk to their parents ;)...but at least they are sweet, just wild! 

So here in Hawaii they have their own little nicknames for everything...It is hilarious hearing the kids talk....For example, here, children call all adults either Auntie or Uncle...This unfortunately carries over into the classroom.  All day it's "Auntie this" "Auntie that" "Auntie I'm firsty" "Auntie I'm hot"...or the usual "Auntie, my leg hurts from sitting, can I play?"...We are not supposed to let them call us Auntie, so I often correct them, but sometimes its just easier to let it go :)...another word they use is "shee-she"(sp?), which is what they call "going potty". So then it comes out like this..."yes", "Auntie, I go make she-she?" ...and then one little girl, the youngest in my class comes up squirming around to me on friday, "Auntie, Auntie, I need make dodo."...TMI...haha, but hilarious. ..hope you liked the little pics...

So besides school, Jordon and I are finally getting settled in our little place....I have wayyy too many clothes to even know what to do with, so I actually had to get a rolling rack...I feel like I own a store in my room...and I had to take over a guest bedroom.... don't worry, if you are planning on visiting, which I know most of you are, I can now conveniently roll out my clothes to provide you with ample space.

What is really cool about our place is that all the doors are double doors and with the nice weather, we can keep them open all day and night, it is like we are living in a jungle!...and our Lanai, or "porch" is fully covered and we sat outside yesterday in the rain watching tv all day and it was so awesome...Another in Koloa/Poi Pu where we are living...the rain is so unpredictable and it rains at least once everyday... Yesterday Champ, Jordon, and me decided to go on a long run on a bypass road near our was sunny and nice and felt great...however, within three minutes of our run we were caught in a down poor. We were soaked...knowing that it would go away soon...we kept running...then we were right..sun shined through and dried us in a matter of minutes and we were burning...on our way back about four minutes from our house...we were completely dumped on again..hard rain with wind so bad that we couldn't even look much for drying off! It was fun though :)...and other than that we are doing good, Champypoo loves it here because we have roosters, cats, and ducks in our backyard...we found out that our neighbors treat the ducks as pets, so we have to be careful Champ doesn't get ahold of one...I couldn't find Champ, or my sister n law's chihuahua, Darla, friday evening, so I looked back behind the trees and both of them were swimming up the creek following a duck....