
Happy New Years!!!

So excited for 2013! Every year I make like one thousand resolutions... It's almost like a hobby :) and is something I enjoy... But the complacent me gets really bored easily!...and then likes to change them after about a month. So this year I've decided to do something in a little different..I will be only making three New Year's resolutions...I wanted to do one but I just need at least three!

Here they are:
1. Be organized
2. Live intentionally
3. Be content

Make your resolutions blogoids!!!
Happy New Year!

Happiness Project


How do we remain Happy? I have been reading the Happiness Project, which is a great read, however, it seems that everyone is out there to answer that question of what makes us ultimately happy.  It's easy to pick out the quick fixes, or the short term happiness...for me ice cream or chocolate chip cookies seem to always to the trick ;)...but its more of the long fix? What makes us, us, what makes us be inspired, content, and in love with life? According to the happiness project, Gretchen Rubin writes that we can be happy if we work on "being ourselves" instead of someone else.  For example, she always wanted a hobby, she wanted one of the great hobbies that her friends have.  Unfortunately, they didn't stick.  This was because they weren't "her".  Someone may love to read, while someone else thinks that it takes too much work. I would like to think that I am always "myself"...however, I know that this is not true.  We usually put our true selves aside and try to be "someone else".  So what I like to spend and afternoon watching old movies and baking...why do I always feel guilty about that, right? We shouldn't, but in the US, if your not winning, your losing, and we can't get behind! This week I am going to pray that I can work on being more "Chelsea" and be perfectly fine with it :)

xoxo Chelsea

Healthy Living

Gym Shoes

So, I really want to try to "live healthier". I don't mean eating salads and exercising...although I do need to do more of that...I mean actually having a healthier life.  I want to be more grounded, centered, relaxed.  I want to not get overwhelemed at the slightest mishap, ans stressed at the drop of a hat.  I want to not worry about the small things or...even the big things for that matter! How do I do this though...create this calm easy atmosphere and relaxing myself.  I have been doing a lot of research lately about everything from Faith, like in my last post,  to exercise for a project I am working on.  I think my biggest thing is I need to let go of things, all things, and trust God.  I think as women we hang on to words, looks, ideas, ambitions, thoughts, like they are gold, and we never release them.  I have this next week off to refocus my life.  I want to structure my life in a healthy way.  In a way that I have a plan, but it doesnt have to be followed, in a way that I am never rushing, wishing, wanting.  Today I am going to implement a walking routine.  I think I need to walk to clear my head more, plus Champ will adore it.  I will also be implementing a yoga (even though I said I hate it) routine...10 minutes, thats it... let you know how it goes

xoxoxo Chels


What is Faith? I have been doing a lot of research over the last few weeks and to me, I believe that Faith is the most important thing in life.  Without, we are not whole, and with it, we can do all things.  Yet, why is it so hard for us girls to seize control and just have the Faith?  We want to control every situation and everyone around us, instead of just having Faith and letting God control our lives.  It is actually freeing to have Faith and let God take the reigns.  It takes the pressure off of us! Lets look in the bible....According to Jesus' brother, James, he says to look at situations as a challenge, a challenge to have Faith and let God guide you. For me, these words are powerful.  Sometimes we feel like bad situations are happening all around us, really that is when God is working in our lives to help us learn to have Faith.  This is how you gain maturity in the Faith. James goes on to say "let God work his will in you, yell a loud no to the Devil and watch him scamper" (4.7-10).  Having Faith in Him is the only way to go, the only way to resist the Devil.  Furthermore, in 1 Peter, we are told that when you trust God, he is a Stone that will not falter, a Stone that we can be proud of, but if we refuse, then it will be a stone  that will trip us up, one that will block our way. 

C & J say "GOOOOOOOOO BUUUUUFFFFS!" let me fill you in! C & J have a totally super awesome weekend in Colorado. They reminisce with friends, handle ailing Colorado addictions and get their fill of shopping. The first night includes the most awesome foodaritas...or margaritas...the Rio. .C's lil' bro Clay joins as well as the bestie Meow (aka K)...and they all have a super fun night...that ends at a place that no one would ever guess...okay yes you would ...Cheese Cake, guessed it-Cheese Cake (& more drinks). Then they all retreat to bed. C & J wake up to a glorious blue Colorado sky and set forward to Superior. C & J decide that they are absolutely sold on Superior, Colorado and find themselves driving aimlessly through various neighborhoods planning the rest of their lives and daydreaming about the time when they will live there...they set a goal for 30...4 years! Then reality bites and they drive to see the amazing location of the main event and are blown away...C decides that the little town in the mountains where the wedding will be located is the new place they will live and daydreams now about owning horses and living the mountain ranchers life...J brings her back to reality once again and reminds her that they can visit...but that the country suburban life is more suited for them...but hey, C can dream, right? Friday night crashes in and they go the rehearsal dinner which was incredible and had the most amazing food. C & J reunite with their college buddies and the night finishes with the boys showing off their squares (don't ask)... The wedding day, awesome. The funniest part of the day? J reminding C to take a picture of him walking down the aisle....because he has two women on his arm...a once in a lifetime thing...he says...They continue the festivities with dancing, cake, and the most amazing & entertaining best man speech...given by none other than J! The wedding proves to be amazing, and e bride and groom look so great and C & J were so happy for them! ...And on with Sunday...CU!!! C & J find themselves driving into the most beautiful town of Boulder! And...Lil' bro Clay joins them....they decide to walk all around the campus and "The Hill"(college area) as it is called...unfortunately, there is someone talking at the school that does not allow them to step foot on the campus for many hours...okay it was Obams..and he was speaking. They had to wait until the evening when he left to, for them to be able to go back to the campus...but they could hear him from all over Boulder..kinda neat...neater if the three agreed with his politics... but anywho...Half Fast Subs provided an amazing "waiting" spot. Once they were on campus, C proceeded to take lil' C to every class she or J had ever been in...even though he had been to the campus before...many times...but he humored them and told them how cool they must have been. C got to relive her glory days by checking out the "fieldhouse" aka indoor track aka. home for 4 years of her life! J found this super awesome sign that was spray painted with a vulgar, but funny word.. but then we found the Romney camp and decided it was meant to be! Then the three headed to the Dal Ward Athletic Center...their second home in college. J's name was all over the place, so C decided to embarrass him with taking a hundred pictures...and Lil' C just made fun of them both... They decided that their "inner Buff" had been awakened and spent hundreds of dollars at the gift shop...those suckers!..the night ended with the three meeting up with Meow and her lil' sis B.. and having a super awesome time! Here's some pics:

 Isn't he cute!
 Ahhhhh...I love Colorado
 Doesn't he look dashing!
 Best Friends!
 Bride and Groom :)
 Where I lived for 4 years of my life! Go CU T&F ;) (indoor track)
 My other colligiete home...DAL Waaaaaard!
 School of Journalism...yes Clay already mentioned that it was "off campus"

 Everyone should go to CU :)


So, we are so excited because we are going to Colorado tomorrow!! Yay! We are going for Brandon and Jessica's wedding.  Jordon is going to be the best man and lets just say I can't wait to get off this rock in the ocean! Okay, I do love it here, but lets face it...nothing like the Rio exists here, and I  would make the trip to Colorado for that reason alone.  It is just a huge bonus that we get to take part in an amazing wedding and have a blast seeing family and friends!!! And yes, I do get to see the bro...and finally have a drink with him! He is finally 21! And I cannot wait to buy him a beer...sorry mom, but it  just seems fun. I also get to see my kitty kat, aka, one of my best friends in the world! SO, I am pretty excited.  Although my kids told me today "please don't go, don't leave us with the sub!"..."hastalavista baby"...okay I wasn't that harsh. Most the students at Koloa school have had the unfortunate pleasure of being in the class with some sub-par subs.   Screaming, hitting desks, no recesses come to mind...but I told them today, well if they are being strict its probably because you weren't listening.  One girl actually agreed, "ya, your probably right".  I am.  And thus bad subs are part of life, however, I did leave them with one of my favorites.  Although last year she had my kindergarteners for one day while I was testing the kids and well, I had never seen them sit up so strait, and had never seen them so quiet.  Fear! hahah Well, like I said, nothing too exciting going on in my life! Just living the relaxing Island life!

Winning officially back and officially writing.  I am trying this thing where I actually do the things I say I am going to do. I always do the things I have to do, the things that matter to other people, and the things that matter to my family.  Often times I let go of the things I actually want to do.  I get lazy, tired and just feel guilty.  Not anymore.  I am listening to myself.  If I say I am going to blog 5 days a week. Then I am. And thus, the reason I am writing to you in bed at 10 at night, trying to get through the list of things I say I am going to do! The thing is is that I love blogging, so I need to work it in.  So tomorrow I will start earlier and actually tell you what has been going on in my life, since you know you want to know  ;).  I just prepared coffee, too...because losing sleep at night is better than the inconvenience in the morning, or so I have told myself... oh Chels

High heels...

CEO: Part 3

Okay, so sorry it has taken so long to write this blog post, I was out of town, and then I was dealing with some family things, so I had no room in my brain left to post something worth meaning.  This next part is extremely crucial.  Its your company's....i.e. Chelsea inc.'s...mission statement.  What does your company stand for, what is most important to your company? What is most important to you?  Take a piece of paper and write down your mission statement.  The biggest thing I am going to stress to you is not to do what you think would be the best mission statement, not to do what you think would be the "coolest" mission statement. DO what feels right to you.  It can be a short list, explaining the priorities of your company, or it can be a long essay explaining your life outlook. Whatever it is, right it down, meditate over it. Think deeply about it. 

After you have written down and created the perfect mission statement, see what areas you need to change in your life to help bring these missions to pass every day.  Your mission statement should be your life everyday. SO figure out ways to live this way everyday.  With that being said, if something does not seem to be working everyday, you might need to change it.  This is a living statement, capable of change.  Now don't make it too easy on yourself and just keep it too simple.  But if something isn't sitting right with your heart, ax it!  Hope this helps bring focus to your life :).

CEO: Part 2, the "employees"

                       Okay, now that you have decided on a CEO and VP of your new company, we are going to take a turn and figure out who you want for your employees.  I did this on my own business plan.  Now remember I am running Chelsea, Inc. and I want the best employees I can find.  I started by listing all the people that were really close to me.  Of course the top employees of your company would be spouses and/or immediate family.  They are your support system. The next employees are those that you are really close with.  Close friends, close extended family, maybe a coworker.  These are the people you spend your time with.  Now comes the hard part.  Picking the best employees.  We all have a lot of people we talk with an associate with and discuss our problems and concerns with.  However, not all of these people are good employees.  Lets take a look at employees in general.  Some are full of integrity.  They care deeply about the company they work for.  They do what is right and they work hard for their boss, even if it does not benefit them.  Then there are some employees who are good, but they don't really give 100% effort.  They "slack off" and can be lazy.  Then there are the vampires.  They suck the company dry for their own best interest.  They do not have the interest of anyone else besides themselves at mind.  The last kind of employees are those that have been their for years.  They may be cranky and sick of what they are doing, but they are full of knowledge.  They have seen ups, downs, and know the ins and outs of the company.  There may be other types, but in the interest of time, we will look at only a few.  Now think about these types of employees.  Think about the types of employees that you want running your company. 
                              The next step is to take a look at your list and look at the employees, or your "support" system.  WHO has your best interest? Who can you tell your ideas to and get an honest response that serves you, not someone else? Who cares about you and wants what's best?  Do some of them constantly deplete you? DO some of them leave you dry and angry? Which ones inspire you, fill you with joy, provide a good example? Often times, which is unfortunate, friends fall under the "vampire" heading.  They want to be around you when you are doing good, but are quick to suck the life out of you, too.  They may even want you to fail, shutting down your ideas and dreams.  Because remember, through God, you can do anything, so you want employees who feel that way, too.  So now take some of the "bad" employees off your list.  Now I know scripture says to love each person as your brother, forgive them their trespasses.  And you will.  You are not cutting these people out of your life, you are not being mean to them.  You will pray for them, and hopefully one day they will return to your company.  They will be your acquaintances, maybe even someone you will help and guide.  However, they are bad employees, and too many bad employees will ruin any company.   You need to take them out of the _______________, inc. plan, as Satan puts obstacles in our life in the form of jealousy and laziness, and if those you consistently go to for advice and help and guidance have those things against you, they will help you fall, not prosper. 

High Heels moment...

SO I know I am on my "CEO" series...but I thought I would break in for a little High Heels moment and talk about beauty.  I love products. Hair products, face products, skin products, you name it-I've tried it.    According to scripture we are to look for the inward beauty, the person, the soul. However, God also wants us to be good to ourselves.  By doing so, we show the respect we have for the bodies that we have been given.  So, with this being said, I have always just bought the product that seemed to fit my need for the time. I did not mean to sin, nor did I think of it badly.  However, most times I already had product at home, so I was being wasteful, and I was spending way too much money on the product.  This is money that can be saved and used for a much better purpose.  So I have found a solution...and I think the best product anywhere!!! Let me start by telling you about the beautiful skin my mother and her sister have.  Their skin is soft, full of moisture and is radiant.  They have their share of skin and aging problems like anyone, but their skin is so beautiful. They both use regular lotion.  My mom uses Vaseline lotion, and her sis uses Lubriderm.  Now they add in a few products here and there, my mom likes "Boots" and uses some retinol creams. However, they use the regular lotion or sunscreen most days...SO I have started, but it was boring so... Then I found another breakthrough.  Vitamin E oil...which can be found at any drug store.  It was 6$ at the Kauai Longs...and people, if it's's where you are too! And cheaper!! So viola, I have created my own super cheap, last forever beauty product...  Vaseline lotion and Vitamin E oil.  What is also neat is that you can add a few drops of the Vit. E oil to your water at night and actually get a supplement.  You only need a bit on your face and the amount of moisture it adds back in is incredible.  I put more around my eyes and on my forehead. Moral of the story, you do not have to break the bank in order to look your best ;)!

CEO:Part 1

I am starting a blogging series for the CG (ChristianGirl) called "CEO".  In the EveryGirls Guide to Life, Maria Menunous tells us to be the CEO of our own Corporation.  So I have designed a company, and by following me, you will too! My company is called Chelsea, Inc. and is the company of my life.  We need to run our life life a company in order to make the most of our time! So, last night I went to work designing Chelsea, Inc.  I made a chart that represented my life company and started to fill in the blanks.  I put myself as the CEO of course, and then underneath listed all of the things that were important, the things that are too be a part of my life.  One of these things is God.  As I looked at the list, I realized that I made a huge mistake.  Why on earth would God be one "part" of my company!?  So many times, as Christians, we want to do the right thing, so we schedule in "doing the right thing" on our sub-conscious planners.  This may be "read the bible at night", "church on Sunday", "donate to the poor", etc.  And while these are all great items on our "to-do" list, they do not make a for practicing life-long routines and habits.  I immediately changed my business plan. Who better to run Chelsea, Inc. than God! I am the VP of Chelsea, Inc.  Every idea I have, every thought, every decision, has to be run by my CEO.  I watched JM last night and she talked about how we have to talk to God about everything! We all have struggles, trials, and bad habits.  In order to break them, we have to talk to God.  Start your business plan! Start right now! Get a piece of paper and label it  __________, Inc.  In a bold heading write GOD. Sleep on this idea, and let it seep in.  You can make decisions.  You have power;  He has more power, more knowledge, and has our best interest in mind.  I like to think of myself as a brand new recruit.  I am full of energy, ideas, plans, and answers. However, only HE knows what is best for the company.  HE likes when I give him my ideas but, with the best interest of the company in mind, a good CEO will decide whether or not to put them in place!

Chelsea, Inc.



A Little Change!

It is summer! Now I know why being a teacher is so incredibly awesome! Like I have had for the last 25 years of my life, I still get a summer.  It's as if I am a little kid, so excited that school is out! However, I do already miss my little munchkins, as I had maybe the most fun class ever!
So now, what to do....well I have not blogged in what has felt like an eternity.  And if you are one of the few people who follow my blog, I am sure you will agree. You see it was getting hard thinking of new things to talk about, new blog ideas.  I felt as though my life was not exciting enough to put down on paper.  This is where I was looking at my blog wrong.  I always wanted to talk about the things going in my life, I wanted to talk about me, me, me.  And that gets old...I only have sooo much coolness to go around.  So, while I will keep you updated with me and the J-man's fabulous life, I will also change it up a bit. 
This is where the new part comes in.  It has been placed on my heart by God to write, and all the time. It seems as though I am always working on some sort of writing. Whether it be a novel, children's books, or thinking up writing projects for school-aged kids, I just am constantly thinking about writing.  Well, I want to change it up.  I have gotten inspiration from Maria Menunos.  If you have followed my blog for the last few years, you will know that her book changed my life with regards to organization, finishing things, and keeping it all together.  I read her book once a year, just to keep me on track.  It always, after I fully organize my home and life, inspires me to move forward...and after you organize, you have so much free time, that moving forward is imminent... or you will be a couch potato.  This time, it is her book that has inspired me.  I love the idea of her book, helping girls and women with all sorts of topics...home, hair, makeup, nutrition, etc., but it does not really, with no offense to Maria, come with a Christian perspective.  I believe that it would be awesome to blog about life and home improvement with a Christian point of here it is:

High Heels and Gym Shoes: Every ChristianGirl's Guide to Life!

I hope you enjoy :)

A little inspiration..

I was listening to Joyce Meyer today, and I think she had a great message. I would like to share this message with you. Her message was about the goals we set for our lives. She talks about how when we get older, as adults, we begin to lose our ambitions, we lose our dreams and feel that we are no longer able to chase them. We spend our time getting by and not going for the things we want in life. She says that God made us to have dreams and ambition. He made us to yearn and have needs. He made us smart and through him we have great strength and can accomplish anything. She told the audience to figure out what you want for your life and where you want it to go and to strive for those goals. Joyce then went on to talk about contentment. A lot of times we refer to dreams and contentment as opposites or enemies. I know a lot of times I feel when I am focused on the future and my goals and dreams, I lose track of the right now. I get stuck in that, "well, when I do this..." or "when that is done...", and that leaves you with a longing feeling on a day-to-day basis. However, she says we must chase our dreams, dreams that we have for our lives, our families, our homes, our spouses, etc., but we must also cherish the now, the act of chasing those dreams. We must be content with our lives as they are, but continue to strive to make them into the lives that God has planned and wants for us! This message resonated deeply within me as I am always setting goals and I am definitely a dreamer. I am always looking for tomorrow and next year, or in five years, and then I will be content. I felt as though if I was just content now, then I had given up. However, now I can see that I can be excited and content with my life as it is, but also be working towards my personal dreams and ambitions. And if they are meant for me, God will lead the way! WE CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS US (Philippians 4:13)!

Teaching Blog

Take a look at my teaching blog...Kindergarten Monsters

Things I am Totally Adoring

Okay, so I thought I would tell you some of the things I am super in to right now! I hope you will comment and tell me some of the things you like!!

1.  Okay, so I went to this "purse party" last week and I fell in love with the product.  Usually I am unsure of these parties and do not like to feel the pressure of buying, but in this case I had to contain myself.  The company is Thirty-One, and it is based on scripture in the bible.  When I heard that it was a Christian company, I was already sold, but then I saw the product. At first glance it looked a little "mom-ish" and i wasn't sure if it was for me.  After hearing the product descriptions and seeing the catalog, I fell in love.  It is a lot of "totes", and all kinds; totes for shopping, picnics, lunches, travel, etc. There is also a lot of organizing products.  I wanted to get everything.  The products are super cute with super cute designs and are completely geared for the woman on the go.  They show ways to organize kid's things, the car, your office, closet, and for me, my classroom.  Take a look!

2.  Joyce Meyer.  I have always liked Joyce, but lately I have become obsessed!  I read her book 100 Ways to Simplify your Life.  I highly recommend it.  It is an easy read, each chapter is only a couple pages long and explains one of the 100 ways to simplify your life.  She is so practical and right on...It totally changed the way I looked at things.  I also started reading Living Beyond your Feelings, thank you Brittany for getting it for me, and it is awesome, especially because women have a tendency to live based on their feelings!!

3.  My new paddle board! I finally got a paddle board! We have only been a few times, but it is so much fun! The funny thing about it is that I got it awhile ago.  However, the guy talked me into getting the biggest one, because of my football playing seemingly enormous husband, and we wanted one we could share.  So I got this huge thing that weighs 50 pounds spread out in 10'6".  I cannot lift if above my head to get on top of the car.  After being embarrassed by this in the parking lot, I was scarred.  Now I will not go without Jordon, but luckily he has had some time to take me :)! hehe

4.  The next thing I love is dark cchocolate covered Goji Berry Raspberry candies(they have acai berry and pomegranate, too).  They are amazing and have a tiny health benefit too.  They are made by can get them at Costco :)!

5. The last thing I am obsessed with is these two guys....I just love them :)
Charky(Champ and Sparky)

xoxoxo Chels

Greetings from Kauai!

Good morning...Oh my goodness, it has been like...forever since I last blogged! I am sure you blogoids have totally written me off!  But, fhew, I am back.  The simple truth is that I do not have a lot to write about.  So, instead of trying to think up these totally awesome blogs and then falling short each time, I thought I would tell you the boring stuff! So... I decided that since people are always asking me about what it's like in Kauai, I thought I would start there.  Kauai has majors ups...and then lets not forget that with ups comes downs...way down.  The first down starting with the idea that there is no Target!  I have to have a a Target.  And although Kauai has been my Target rehab and the withdrawals have ceased, I still dream of Target and could not imagine living for the rest of my life without one! Next...birds.  Yes, like the movie.  I recall a night where me and a few friends, who will remain nameless, watched the movie on the "big pillow" in the living room and screamed throughout the whole thing.  We were 10.  However, the past has come back to haunt me and I am reliving "The Birds".  They are everywhere.  Chickens, doves, roosters, ducks, mutant chickens with weird fur on their feet that live at the end of the road that freak me out, did I mention ducks, oh and lets not forget the bird-like mutant mosquitoes, in which I could do a entire book on the beasts, chicks, cardinals, hummingbirds(which I like), cranes....birds are everywhere and make every noise possible!!! I wake up to a foul party every morning! Unfortunately, my husband has trained our killer dog to be nice to the birds, so he welcomes them with open arms...I wish he would get them out of here!!! And last but not least for the "downs" of Kauai...the driving.  Driving here is a nightmare.  If you come to visit, do not go anywhere in a rush, because you will not make it.  People here call it "staying on Hawaii time"....and that is how they drive. I think it originated a long time ago when people started driving here they went on drives to see all the beautiful views, so the fastest they went was like 20 MPH...and that was speeding.  That stuck, and now, even in 50 MPH zones(the fastest speed limit on the whole island) you still have people going about 20 MPH.  Add in the tourists who stop in the middle of the road to take pictures, and the construction that has been going on in the same zone since April 2009 and you are not getting anywhere-fast!!! Then again this relaxed "Hawaii time" is what brings me to my first "up".  It is extremely relaxing here. A different pace of life.  I would highly recommend it to anyone who is stressed, overworked, and tired.  Come to Kauai for a few weeks and feel rejuvenated.  Even after going to Honolulu, the difference is immeasurable.  You step off the plane in Lihue(Kauai) and boom, life takes a halt.  It simply slows down.  There are not a lot of places to go, or things to do, so people are not rushing around like chickens with their heads cut off.  Which leads to the next "up".  The people are so incredibly nice here.  They are always welcoming and will help anyone with anything at the drop of a hat.  And while sometimes I get the "Haole" girl  tourist stares and attitudes, it is not anything like Jordon said, hehe, who would say basically white girls are hated! He was just trying to freak me out.

This whole teaching thing

Is going really well. My kids are doing so much better! They crack me up everyday! I feel good that at least I have a job where laughing takes up a majority of my day.  So the other day some of my boys were having a hard time sitting still on the carpet.  I was doing some word blending, I would say /f/ /irst/...and they would say "first"...words like that.  I started doing words that were about them like their "name" and then /n/ /eeds/, /t//oo/ , /s/ /it/, /d/ /own/ that...I had them roaring laughing so I said, after I did a good one, "oh, Mrs. Dizon is on fire" ...I meant like on a roll...They wanted to do one for I did /m/ /ises/ /d//izons/ ....and two boys call out "on fire!!!" ...all day I heard "Mrs. Dizon's on fire!"....then the next morning, I let them do their own journal entry in their journals and one boy wrote, MSDIZONESNFYER, and drew a picture that was of me on grass on fire! Good thing I have a good sense of humor! Then....we are writing and we are doing a thank you note to someone in our family.  I modeled one first and did mine to my brother, Clay.  So I showed them by writing "Dear Clay,".  When they were finally ready to do it on their own I put up on the board, Dear______, and they copied it, each putting in the person who they were writing to, "mom", "dad", "ante", etc. Then I wrote "Thank you for _________.
Love, ___________".  When we were finished I went back in and wrote my letter to Clay.  After I did this I went around to approve their final copy so they could decorate it.  I was surprised to see about half the class had "Dear Mom Clay," "Dear NT Clay," and some had even erased their writing and then wrote "Dear Clay," it was hilarious.  I had to have everyone freeze and tell them, if you wrote "Clay", please erase it, you don't have a brother named Clay! hahah

2012! A new year, a new you!

Wow, that sounds so cliche'! Then again why not, don't we always deserve a fresh start. Why do we wait until New Year's to make goals and resolutions, most of which have already been broken or thrown out by now? Everyday is the first day of your next year.  And everyday you can choose to be the best version of you and choose to honor your goal for that year! I absolutely love that new commercial, I believe it is for a restaurant, and the woman says something along the lines of "...this year I am going to treat myself & have it all...".  I thought to myself, what a great resolution! While I do not recommend having all the dessert you want if you want to lose weight, I do think we need to change our goals to be positive. Don't limit yourself, or say, I will not do this or that.  Change the wording and make it happen.  Instead of saying I will not do this or not eat that, say "I vow to live healthier this year". Then each morning repeat it to yourself.  Each night see if you made some choices that helped you make those changes! Trust me, using positive language and revisiting your goal everyday will have a tremendous impact on your life!!