
It's a girl!!!

So, as I am sure most of you know, we are having a girl! And we couldn't be happier....Jordon was a little bummed at first, but that was only because he had 3 bets that equaled around $300 saying that it was a boy! Now that he has gotten over the loss of the bets he is so excited! This girl is going to love her daddy! He told me last night that I moved down the list of his, Champ, me....he said if it was a boy it would be Champ, me, baby, but now that its a girl it's his princess! oh great! I always new how Champ fared...but what about mommy :)!  However...she is already a pain! When we went for the official ultrasound, she was upside down and facing backwards...meaning no good pictures! So long, scrapbook photos! The only two good pictures we got were of her feet.  Not saying those weren't very cute, but I wanted a cute face or profile picture!

Sooooo, this whole pregnancy thing is hilarious.... I had know idea how my body would respond, or how I would respond for that matter when I got pregnant...but lets just say, incubating a baby is hard! hahaha, and a pain, literally, sometimes!  So, I cannot complain because I was not one of those women who threw up every minute of every day, which I know you hate me for...but I think that was my one perk since to get this baby I needed shots everyday for a month...but anyways, incubation is hard...My stomach feels like it is a hard rock-like structure with bubbles floating around in it...I haven't slept in months and I obsess about everything.  My husband jokes that he did the right thing by not being around these last few months... but it is not a joke! I have always been a pretty even tempered gal, I don't get very moody and I am not quick to anger...however, enter baby and watch not get on my bad side...or I will let you have it...I am sure I could conquer the world at this point...which maybe moms need!...I have never been one of those people who say exactly how they feel because I am always looking out for others' feelings...but I keep having to bite my tongue!! Help me!  I woke Jordon up in the middle of the night last weekend to yell about doing something about the cats on our was 3am!!! Like he cared at that point, luckily he just agreed with me... not too mention I am losing my mind.  I put my ice cream away in the cupboard last night and I began yelling for Jordon(again) who was outside because I couldn't find the cat food...little could I tell that my hand was actually in the bag of cat food with a cup full of cat food ready to be poured into the dish! What is happening?! hahahha....I know it sounds bad...but I am actually doing really well and I love being pregnant! It's just hilarious!

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