
What successful people do before breakfast...

Okay, so I am staying at home with my baby and I absolutely love spending time with her...but lets face it... hours and hours of little social interaction and not much to do can be hard.  I thrive on being productive and accomplishing things I set out to do.  These to do list is small. However, I can't take on to big a project because I do want my time to go to my little Hana cakes.  Long story short...I have been feeding my mind by reading... a lot.  I have read 3 books in the last few days.  They are all books about success and making your life as amazing as you can.  One of the books I just finished is "What Successful People do before Breakfast".  A lot of people look at successful people and think....they got dealt a lucky hand...they got all the breaks.  However, if you dive into the lives of a lot of successful people they have one thing in common.  They maximize their time.  They have priorities.  They know how to manage their business, family, and even place an importance on taking care of themselves.  This book gave a powerful insight into how successful people utilize their time.  Especially time in the morning.  They do not waste the time in the morning on surfing the web or facebook, sitting and staring at the tv.  They use these hours for productivity.  The morning, for most people, is a time where our brains are the most ready to tackle new challenges (once we get out of bed of course)...and a time where we are most creative.  And I am not saying their isn't a time for social media and tv...there is...but why not wait for those activities for a time when your brain is tired and moving slow...for most of us this is in the late afternoon/evening...Successful people are utilizing there mornings to exercise, make business plans, have breakfast dates with their kids, and write novels.  They are maximizing there hours...and time is money... The biggest thing I learned was to make a plan for the morning hours...if you have extra, or could squeeze a few in...and then figure out what area of your life needs a makeover.  Do you feel like you are not spending enough time with your kids? Maybe you could squeeze in thirty minutes of play time. Or do you have amazing business ideas, but are too tired to get them down on paper in the evening?  Maybe you have been neglecting your health and an early morning run, yoga and healthy breakfast will help you reach a physical goal, or maybe you need to spend time spiritually, praying and meditating on God's that is a successful start to your day.  I am very interested in time management and ideas that make people successful...share the way you spend your morning if you have great ideas!!!

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